  • 期刊


From Homeless to a Tour Guide: A Case Analysis of Training Course of Empowerment Process among the Economically Disadvantaged Groups of Taipei's Wanhua District




培力 經濟弱勢族群 街友 導覽員


To better understand the potential effects that tour guide training courses may have on the economically disadvantaged, this study has chosen to employ a case study method. Data have been collected using semi-structured interviews, reflexive journal writing and event photography. Together, these tools have been used to analyze the experiences of instructors, fellow students, and homeless who participated in the training course. The results of this study show that by using firsthand experience methods of instruction such as tour guide skill demonstrations and tour guide activities; developing adaptation strategies for different rules from locale to locale; the construction of new social relationships among differing spaces; the acting out and narration of new roles and community relationships in both "learners" and "tour guides", all coupled with the support of a relationship of trust between instructors, learners, and peers, the tour guide training courses have the power to trigger changes in motivation and intent with regard to impression management among the homeless. Within this safer environment, there was a continued adjustment of existing behavior and speech, resulting in a departure from previous vagabond lifestyles, which, in turn, spurred the homeless to gradually evolve from the role of learners to that of tour guides.


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