  • 期刊


A Study on the Co-optitive Relationship between Buyer and Manufacturer




競合關係 委託 受託 製造商


Competition is the nature of market; however, cooperation between firms is good way to increase competitivenes for both sides. In order to increase their competitiveness, more and more firms are teaming up and forming stragtegic alliances. The cooperation between buyer and manufacturer has become very popular recently. Profit-making is the main purpose of any firm. Therefore, looking at the cooperation and creation of value chain of many industries, we find the interaction between buyer and manufacturer to be very interesting and intriguing. We call such kinf of inter-firm relationship of "competition and cooperation at the same time." Co-optition." The study is focused on the topic of "co-optition," using case study and related theories to develop an interview questionnaire。The questionnaire centers around four dimensions namely, "Corporate Background," "Management Strategy," "Value Chain Activity," and "Benefits Resulting from Cooperation" We interviewed mainly leading branded drink marketers or buyers who contract manufacturers to produce for them in Taiwan. Resulting from the interviews, the resrarch further develops three fields of hypotheses: (1) Firm Specific Factor, (2) Cooperation Pattern and (3) Other Factors. Then, these hypotheses will lead to 4 effective practices of "Benefits Gained from cooperation" and 4 key factors of "Intensifying competition." The research concludes: Firms need to choose their cooperation partners caerfully to maintain their images. Partners of different corporate and managerment strategies are preferred as firms in this situation can complement each other with their expertise and avoid competition. In the process of cooperation, firms tend to imitate and copy from each other This is normal and firms should not worry and overreact. Restrictions made by contracts are usually not effective to prevent learning spillover or copying. Commitments and good interactions at high-level managers of both sides are essential to ensure such cooperation efforts. To sum up, the compatibility of the "hardware" and "software" cooperation between firms is important, so are the economic incentives offered and mutual trust built-in achieving the aim of profit-making through the co-optition practice.


Co-optition competition cooperation Manufacturer
