  • 期刊


The Research of Agricultural Experiment Institution Carries Out the Behavior Tendency of Integrated Propagating Communication to Influence Factor


台灣農業的發展多半依賴農業試驗研究機構的研發,因此各農業試驗研究機構在農產試驗品的推廣,也自應有推廣傳播與關係行銷理念與作法。但農業試驗研究機構其執行整合推廣傳播的概況為何?對於整合推廣傳播推廣績效是否有正向的影響等皆是應重視的問題。因此,本研究將整合行銷傳播(Integrated Marketing Communication;IMC)運用到農業試驗研究機構整體的推廣傳播上,瞭解分析其績效。本文之研究架構以計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior)為基礎,並可以瞭解其用於解釋或預測農業試驗研究機構經營者執行整合推廣傳播之決策行為傾向及其對整合推廣傳播推廣績效之影響及其關鍵影響因子,再進一步提出管理意涵、學術研究及建議供農業試驗研究機構做參考。本研究依結果顯示,影響農業試驗研究機構整合推廣傳播決策行為傾向與推廣績效的主要關鍵因子有傳播方式之互補、農試各推廣單位整合、農民忠誠度、關係管理的整合階段等、推廣規劃系統、協論的整合認知等。


The agriculture development of Taiwan relies on the research and development of the research institution of agricultural experiment mostly, so the popularization in the trial target of farm produce of research institution of every agricultural experiment, since should popularize propagating with relation marketing idea and practice. How does it carry out combine popularize the overview propagated in the research institution of agricultural experiment? For combining it popularize not spreading popularize have performance to influence, etc. question that should pay attention to all. So, this research will Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) apply to the whole popularization of research institution of agricultural experiment and spread, understand that analyses its performance. The structure of research of this text is based on behavior theory of the plan (theory of planned behavior), The influence and key of the result influence the factor, propose managing meaning, academic research purpose skill and proposing being for the research institution of agricultural experiment to consult further. This research shows in accordance with the result, influence the research institution of agricultural experiment to integrated propagating communication decision behavior inclining and main key complementation of having the circulation way of factor of popularizing the performance, peasant's loyalty, merger stage for management of relation, etc., the system of popularize planning, association's theory agriculturally cognitively etc.
