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A Philosophical Examination of "Abiding-Places" in terms of the Abiding of the Mind-Body Complex Laying a Foundation for Buddhist Doctrine of Abiding-Places


本文以住地課題為焦點,以心身安頓為著眼,展開以概念、視角、與觀點為要項的哲學檢視,從而奠定佛教住地學說建構上的基礎工作。如此的研究主題,以心身安頓為著眼,也就是將所要觀看的角度,設定為生命歷程當中的心身變化,或心身一再地經歷結合又解散的波動或震盪,追問要如何安頓,或要安頓在什麼境域,所謂的心態和身體,才算是確實安頓了。由於以心身安頓為著眼,進行住地課題在概念、視角、與觀點的哲學檢視,這對於建構佛教的住地學說,可以說是相當重要的奠基工程。主要的文獻依據有二,一為佛教解脫道的《阿含經》,另一為佛教菩提道的《大般若經.第四會》。既然以打造佛教的住地學說之基礎為要務,在文獻的依據上,理應包含解脫道與菩提道而不偏廢,並且特別考量經典在修行道路教學的基礎性格,因此《阿含經》和《大般若經.第四會》,即列為首選。在論述的行文,本文由如下的十節串連而成。第一節,「緒論」,開門見山,帶出研究主題,並且逐一交代論文初步的構想與輪廓。第二節,解明關鍵概念,包括住地、此生住地、無自性、空、心身安頓。第三節,將提問意識顯題化,問及何以關切心身安頓,怎樣關切心身安頓,以及怎樣從心身安頓之關切,提出有關住地的論題。這不僅說明《阿含經》在心身安頓的關切與教學,而且凸顯《大般若經.第四會》在心身安頓更為廣泛的關切與教學。第四節,討論心身安頓與此生住地之間可能的關係。將可能是連續光譜的眾多觀點,以對比的方式,分成二邊。一邊認為,「土地/所在」可藉由特別被看重的地緣關係,充當有情安頓心身的依靠;另一邊則認為,「土地/所在」無常而變動不居,根本不適合去安頓任何的事物或有情。第五節,依據《大般若經.第四會》,一方面,著眼於生死輪迴的流程,另一方面,著眼於諸法實相的道理,觀看此生住地,進而提出觀看的論點。第六節,從生死輪迴的脈絡,顯發出實事求是的住地遷移觀,討論佛法在住地課題做出什麼樣的教學說明,以及打開怎樣的視野。第七節,整理出四個論點,說明大乘菩薩藉由安住於般若波羅蜜多之修學,達成心身安頓。第八節,從生生世世持續修行的脈絡顯發的住地遷移觀,包括從過去生延伸到這一輩子,以及從這一輩子延伸到未來生。第九節,引導有情安住三乘之修學以助成有情的心身安頓,此之謂「格局廣大的、高超出路導向的心身安頓」。第十節,「結論」。本文在研究主題的探討,可以扼要整理成如下的五個論點。其一,放眼生命起伏不定的流程,任何的住地,包括此生住地,都是無自性的。其二,任何的住地,就其單純為住地而論(abiding-place per se),由於是無自性的,都不足以單獨做為心身安頓合格的選項。其三,若以為心態和身體可永久或固定安頓在任何的住地,則不僅見解不正確,埋下情意攪動的禍根,而且造成心身誤置(a misplaced reliance concerning mind-body)的局面。其四,大乘菩薩以安住於般若波羅蜜多之修學,達成心身安頓。其五,大乘菩薩以引導有情安住於三乘之修學,助成有情的心身安頓。


This paper focuses on the topic of abiding-places and anchors on the abiding of the mind-body complex to unfold philosophical scrutiny of factors such as concept, perspective, and point of view, so as to lay a foundation for a Buddhist doctrine of abiding-places. The research as such sets its perspective at the changes of the mind-body in the course of life cycle. This paper pursues the following questions: how or where to settle the mind-body complex, while the mind-body complex keeps experiencing, time after time, numerous segments or pandemonium of repeated amalgamation and dissipation? In the end, what will be the ultimate settlement for the mind-body complex? The two major textural references are the Āgama-sūtra of the Path to Liberation and the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā of the Path to Enlightenment. There are five main arguments in this research. First, all abiding-places, including the abiding-place of this life, are absent of own-beings. Second, since any abiding-place per se is devoid of its own-being, none of them by itself can qualify as a candidate for the abiding of the mind-body complex. Third, the thought that the mind-body complex can be fixed permanently in any particular abiding-place is not only a misunderstanding. Which entails agitations of emotions, but also creates a misplaced reliance concerning the mind-body complex. Fourth, the Mahā-yāna Bodhisattvas settle in practicing prajñāpāramitā to reach the abiding of the mind-body complex. Fifth, the Mahā-yāna Bodhisattvas help sentient beings reach the abiding of the mind-body complex by settling them in the cultivation of the Three Paths.


《起世經》。T1. no. 24
《中阿含經》。T1. no. 26
《雜阿含經》。T2. no. 99
《別譯雜阿含經》。T2, no. 100
