  • 期刊


Introduction of RFID and Its Application on Archives Management




To locate physical records effectively is one of the major obstacles occurred in archives management. If documents which get lost when passed around, it will cost a lot to reproduce. RFID, Radio Frequency Identification, provides a revolutionary mechanism for tracking the traces of documents affixed with RFID tags. RFID Tags are embedded with a chip where the unique identification number for a document is encoded. By deploying RFID readers at choke points where documents are checked-in and checked-out, tags affixed to documents will be detected thereby the appearances of the documents will be recorded in the radio frequency coverage area of each reader. On top of the location information reported by each RFID reader, the mechanism can be combined with comprehensive database where electronic documents are kept for reference as well as value-added analysis. Coupled with features from document management system, documents in the database can be retrieved, analyzed with keywords and classified for related content, which lays the groundwork of knowledge management.


RFID file tracking archives management


(2002).(Accenture: Auto-ID on Delivery: The Value of RFID Technology in Retail Supply Chain).
(2004).(Bear Steam Equity Research: Supply Chain Technology).
Goldman Sachs(2004).(RFID Handbook).
(2002).(Focus on the Supply Chain: Applying Auto-ID within the Distribution Center. Keith Alexander, Tig Gilliam, Kathryn Gramling, Mike Kindy, Dhaval Moogimane, Mike Schultz, Maurice Woods).
(2003).(Focus on Retail: Applying Auto-ID to Improve Product Availability at the Retail Shelf).
