  • 期刊

Achieving Maximum Value by Adapting Forest Management Plans


Forest carbon sequestration is a key area of concern for society, but the question of how forests can adequately sequester carbon while taking into account other social and ecological benefits is a problem that must be addressed. We build a relevant model based on system dynamics to solve the related problems from both static and dynamic aspects. For question 1, to calculate the carbon sequestration of a forest, we need to consider both harvesting and non-harvesting scenarios to build a carbon sequestration model. For no-harvesting, we use the biomass inventory method to calculate the carbon sequestration of forest vegetation, and the final total carbon sequestration is ; for harvesting, we need to consider the carbon sequestration of remaining vegetation, the carbon sequestration of wood products and the carbon sequestration of new vegetation. The carbon stock of remaining vegetation is calculated by using the biomass inventory method, the carbon stock of wood products is calculated by considering multiple factors such as wood yield and longevity, and the carbon stock of new vegetation is calculated by using a variation of Richards equation, and the final total carbon sequestration is AC_Y. Then, by using the difference comparison method, it is concluded that appropriate harvesting is beneficial to improve forest carbon sequestration. To address problem 2, we develop a multi-indicator decision model with gray information in order to allow forest managers to understand the best use of the forest in a local context. We first created a new concept-Forest Value (FV), as a zero-level indicator. Under the zero-level indicator, there are six first-level indicators, and each first-level indicator corresponds to a second-level indicator. By normalizing the second-level indicators, we can establish a functional relationship between the second-level indicators and the forest value. We then use the functional relationship between the harvesting area share ratio S and the secondary indicators, and finally we can establish the functional relationship between S and FV as FV=fv(S). With this model we link the social and ecological considerations to the decision model and forest management plan, and quantitatively solve the problem of integrated balance between the elements. For problem 3, we chose Lamjung forest area in central Nepal as the subject of our study. Because it is a specific forest, many parameters in the functional relationship of the decision model can be obtained according to the actual situation. We use principal component analysis to determine the dominant tree species, and then use the tree growth cycle as the harvesting cycle, and then use the forest value as the first priority and the carbon sequestration as the second priority to find the optimal harvesting area ratio, and then we can determine the optimal forest management plan. Through this plan we can find the total amount of forest carbon sequestration in 100 years is 1172.75 t.hm-2. Based on the optimal forest management plan, we can propose a transition strategy to set a no-harvesting period when harvesting is planned 10 years earlier.


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