  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Institutional Development and Constraint of Nation and Market- An Analysis of effect between Southbound &New Southbound policy




The development of policy and the operation mechanism of the market have always been one thing with two sides, because the development of enterprises si faced with the development and constraint of the diversified institution of the state and the market. For pursuing profit, the enterprise must still comply with the market rules, transfer investment risks, or diversify operating risks of enterprises, such as the risk of investing in the mainland China, transfer to Southeast Asian countries, create market profit opportunities. The national policies did the same. In response to the diversification mechanism of market risk, and after the DPP took in power, the cross-strait political risks have increased. The Tsai Ing-wen government is worried that the dependence of trade on the mainland China is too high and promotes a new southbound policy, which is different from the previous south-direction policy. What are the policy benefits? It is worth further discussion. The constraint development of the State and the market in which State dominate or market is the dominant force? In fact, the state's role in the timing of market failure is an indispensable force for stabilizing the market. Therefore, the state as the political operation incarnation and the market as the main body of economic operation have different characteristics and cannot be completely divided. The power of the state does affect market power, and the market itself is one of the roots of power that affects political effects. The power relationship established by economic dependence is a basic feature of the world economy, while the state and the market are in power and form the effectiveness of power and wealth, gradually replaces the forms of other political and economic organizations in the world. This paper mainly analyzes from the perspective of the state and the market, what is the difference between the policy effect of the new Southbound policy of the Tsai Ing-wen government and the previous south-direction policy? Did it increase in investment efficiency or willingness? Or if the effect is limited as external critical? In this paper analyzes the three aspects of the increase and decrease of trade volume with various countries, the investment changes of Taiwanese enterprise in Southeast Asia and the number of tourists coming to Taiwan.
