  • 期刊


Health-Promoting Hospitals in the Face of Climate Change: The Way Forward


氣候變遷加劇了與氣候有關災害發生的規模和頻率,對人類健康產生嚴重的威脅,科學家宣稱氣候變遷是21世紀人類最大的危機,因此如何因應氣候變遷也逐漸成為健康照護領域的重要課題。過去研究認為在各個層面採取充分適應措施來應對氣候變遷有其迫切需要,然而計劃和實施調適策略必須基於社區需求且需隨著氣候變遷程度而進行調整,迄今仍然是一項重大的挑戰。醫界呼籲應建立全球性與落實在地化的氣候調適策略,提出「氣候智慧(Climate smart)」的概念作為支持醫院加強防範氣候衝擊的行動方案,但多數的醫療院所對氣候風險的認知和意識仍相當有限,故目前僅以節能減碳為發展主軸。然而,健康促進醫院的概念提倡人與環境之間相互關聯,透過需求評估和問題解決過程可以支持醫療院所執行氣候適應策略的落實。本文主要乃以回顧氣候變遷對健康的衝擊為基礎,概述醫院減緩溫室氣體排放和氣候調適之作為與挑戰,最後討論因應氣候變遷與環境適應,健康促進醫院未來可以發展的有效途徑。本文發現健康促進醫院的推行與現行氣候變遷因應政策法規之間缺乏有效連結,以及介入效益實證經驗相當有限。建議未來需進一步研究氣候變遷、節能減排、健康和經濟效益之相關性,透過相關研究獲取足夠資訊與經驗,以作為醫療衛生領域在發展氣候變遷減緩和適應政策制定和實施之參考依據。


Climate change inevitably intensifies the scale and frequency of climate-related disasters with severe implications for human health. Health scientists have called climate change the 21st century's most significant threat, but impressing it becomes a magnificent opportunity especially for the healthcare sector. Thus, literature argues the urgent need for adaptation measures at each level to adequately tackle climate change. However, to plan and to implement community-need-based adaptation measures which may alter with changes in climate remain a significant challenge. The global medical community establish local and international initiatives to build healthcare climate resilience and now mentioning "climate-smart" concept to support hospitals to enhance climate readiness. However, the embracement is slow because of limitations in awareness, capacity and political will as most of the attention are on reducing carbon footprint. Thus, Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) concept integrate both need assessment problem-solving process and eco-friendly principles may lead the way in advancing climate adaptation implementation in hospital settings. This paper reviews the health impacts of climate change and provide an overview of hospitals, adaptation strategy to mitigate greenhouse gases and ways to strengthen climate readiness. The similarity between HPH approach and climate adaptation, are also discussed. Nevertheless, the implementations of the HPH concept have been slower due to the lack of formal ties with national regulations and efficacy evidence to sustain resources. Further research on potential emissions reductions and co-benefits with HPHs, regarding health results and economic effectiveness, would be valuable to guide the development and implementation of HPH in health sector mitigation and adaptation policies.
