  • 期刊


Study on forage palatability: I. The response of goat to forage with adding sugar, organic acids, changing the water soluble carbohydrate and ensiling


本研究由6批次偏好性試驗探討,1.山羊對乾草添加蔗糖、有機酸的反應;2.以收穫調製處理改變乾草水溶性碳水化合物(water soluble carbohydrate, WSC)含量,測試其對適口性影響;以及3.青貯發酵的影響。由試驗1、2結果顯示,添加1%乙酸的效果為負面;添加1%乳酸或1%蔗糖有提高偏好性與前期採食量的效果。以同田區兩品種燕麥經不同刈割時間及乾燥速度,製造具WSC含量變異的燕麥乾草供試驗比較(試驗3、4)。品種Saia的WSC變動範圍為2.5%-7.7%,Swan為2.9-10.7%,而WSC含量的改變亦大幅影響其他植體成分比例。由試驗3、4結果顯示,以刈割調製方式所產生的WSC含量變動範圍之下,並未影響羊隻適口性。青貯發酵的影響方面,試驗5、6結果顯示,1.羊隻對半乾青貯表現出高度且穩定的偏好性,對盤固草半乾青貯的偏好性高於乾燥半乾青貯,且高於進口百慕達乾草,以盤固乾草的適口性最低,2.乾燥半乾青貯的乾物質含量高於半乾青貯,故乾燥半乾青貯的乾物質採食量可能高於半乾青貯,3.國產盤固乾草的適口性不高於進口百慕達乾草,半乾青貯發酵是有效的改善之道,再經乾燥後亦有同樣效果。


適口性 山羊 盤固草 燕麥


This report examined six batches of preference tests: 1. The responses of goats to hay with adding sucrose and organic acids; 2. Changing of the water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) content in hay by harvest conditioning to test whether the change is sufficient to cause palatability differences; and 3. Effects of silage fermentation. Tests 1 and 2 showed that the effect of adding 1% acetic acid on palatability is negative; while adding 1% lactic acid or 1% sucrose had the effect of improving preference and intake in early stage. The study further compared two varieties of oat hay with variation of water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) contents by different mowing time and drying speed (Tests 3 and 4) . The WSC content varied from 2.5%-7.7% for Saia and 2.9-10.7% for Swan, while changes in WSC content also significantly affected the proportions of other components. The results of experiments 3 and 4 showed no impact on the palatability for goat under the range of variation of WSC content modulated in this study. As for the effects of silage fermentation, the results of tests 5 and 6 showed that: the goat showed a high and stable preference for pangola haylage, while dry haylage also showed higher palatability than imported Bermuda hay and pangola hay. The dry matter intake of dry haylage may be higher than haylage due to its higher dry matter content. Palatability of domestic pangola hay is not higher than imported Bermuda hay. Ensiling is an effective way to improve palatability, and has the same effect after drying.


Palatability Goat Pangolagrass Oat
