  • 期刊


Lactating performance and calf weaning weight of straightbred Santa Gertrudis, and Brahman cows and their crossbred cows sired by Gelbvieh


本分所肉牛種原聖達(Santa Gertrudis, SG)、布拉曼(Brahman, BR)及德國黃牛(Gelbvieh, GV)四種不同配種組合(SG × SG,BR × BR,GV × SG,GV × BR)的六十頭母牛進行為期兩年的泌乳性能調查,以瞭解含不同比例溫、熱帶牛血統的產後母牛於本地氣候、環境下,其泌乳性能之表現及乳量對離乳前階段仔牛生長的影響。調查結果顯示:含溫帶牛(Bos taurus)血統比例最高(81.25%)的德國黃牛×聖達雜種(GV × SG)間隔4h後泌乳量最高(0.89 × 0.34kg),而含100%熱帶牛(Bos indicus)血統的純種布拉曼(BR × BR)間隔4h後泌乳量最低(0.70 × 0.20 kg),二者間有顯著之差異(P < 0.05)。母牛之泌乳量亦對仔牛之離乳體重與離乳前之平均日增重有顯著的影響,離乳體重及平均日增重較重的仔牛其母牛之泌乳量有較高之現象(P < 0.05);但仔牛性別對母牛泌乳量之影響並無顯著性差異。


The purpose of this study was to investigate lactating performance of cows with various combinations of Bos taurus and Bos indicus, and whether milk yields of dams had any influences on the preweaning growth of calves under local environment. Lactating performance of sixty cows in four different breeds (straightbred Santa Gertrudis, SG × SG; straightbred Brahman, BR × BR; Gelbvieh × Santa Gertrudis, GV × SG; Gelbvieh × Brahman, GV × BR) were evaluated by 4-hr interval milk yield. The GV×SG crossbred cows which contain 81.25% Bos taurus blood, had highest milk yield (0.89 ± 0.34 kg), while straightbred Brahman (Bos indicus) cows had lowest milk yield (0.70 ± 0.20 kg). There was significant difference between the above two breeds (P < 0.05). Milk yields of dams had influence on both calf weaning weight and preweaning average daily gain (ADG). Calves with heavier weaning weights and higher preweaning ADG received more milk (P < 0.05). No effect was found on dam milk yield between calf sex.
