  • 期刊


Inquiries Life: On the Lyric Tradition of Chen Yizhi's "Boundary"




Chen Yizhi's first collection of poems "Sunset and Long Smoke"received praise from Mr. Zhang Mo as "the defender of lyrical tradition". For the second collection of poems "Green Sweater", Yang Mu also affirmed him "a solid and pure lyricism, especially rooted in the ideals of traditional Chinese poetry." It can be seen that he is a modern poet who can bridge the gap between classical and modern conforms to the meaning of "lyric tradition" revealed by the North American Chinese literary theorist Chen Shixiang, Chen Yizhi said that he was affected by this, and he has projected himself into it for 30 years. This paper starts with the exploration of "lyrical tradition" to master this particular concept. At the same time, take Chen Yizhi's latest collection of poems "Boundary" as an example to summarize the lyrical themes and lyrical techniques in it to verify the characteristics of Chen Yizhi's "lyrical tradition". The full text is divided into three major units: "About Lyric Tradition", "The Lyric Theme of "Boundary"", and "The Lyric Way of "Border" to observe how Chen Yizhi, a poet of "lyric tradition", uses the author's self-image to reflect "Chinese psychology or Chinese spiritual consciousness". Among them, the section "The Lyric Way of "Boundary"" also summarizes: (1) the main tone is sentiment, which can match the beauty of ancient and modern human feelings, (2) the integration of "classic" into "modern", the blend of narrative and lyrical, and (3) the three characteristics of self-image in Chinese spiritual consciousness are sufficient to highlight how Chen Yizhi consciously becomes a poet who undertakes both tradition and modernity. Chen Yizhi is a single-mindedness of classical soul from the first collection of poems in 1967 to the latest collection of poems in 1998. His classical feelings are more profound and firm despite using modern poem expression techniques. His "Boundary" explores the innate depth of life emotions, such as "secret and unspeakable", "wandering in mournfulness" and "unrestrained and super open", so I think his love is the emotion of asking the whole life.
