  • 學位論文


Management of Service Project and Risk in Engineering Firms

指導教授 : 劉啟群


國家經濟發展基石及生活環境水準,與公共建設及基礎設施工程品質息息相關,亦受到技術顧問業和營建產業營運績效的直接影響。無論是一般公共工程建設流程或是嶄新的統包、民間參與公共建設執行過程中,提供專業技術服務的工程顧問公司對於所承辦的規劃、設計、監造及所有相關知識型勞務服務契約,大體都是透過專案管理履約,故專案業務及風險管理便成為工程顧問公司營運的重要課題。 近二十年來,工程顧問業及其專業技術人員對於國計民生重大建設,如高速公路、捷運、鐵路地下化、高速鐵路等交通建設,以及能源建設、輸變電、水利、環境、下水道、科學園區、建築場站及新市地開發等相關基礎建設的完成及維護,皆提供極為顯著的服務成績;然而,綜觀國內工程顧問業界的專案管理實務,由於較缺乏外部國際業務的市場挑戰、政府法令制度的統整規範,以及內部作業因知識工作流程管理不易等緣故,仍存有甚大的探討改善空間。本研究即針對工程顧問公司的業務專案及風險管理,並特別著重在技服專案不確定性評估及風險管理重要機制的建立上,檢討國內現況並進行深入分析,以研擬對策提供國內工程顧問公司及專業人員執行業務參考。 本論文先討論有關工程技術服務業務及其專案風險管理的特性,並分別從傳統、嶄新以及跨國技術服務進行市場現況及發展評估;其次從分析技術、人力、財務、契約、環境等之不確定性後,便進行業務、履約及爭議解決等主要流程探討,俾深入剖析工程顧問公司的業務風險監督要項,進而建議技術服務專案的風險管理系統之建構要務,以利主要工程顧問公司提升其專案服務績效及面對國際化競爭。


The quality of public constructions and infrastructures critically exhibits a nation’s foundations for economic development and the standards of living environment, which is closely associated to the performance of engineering firms and the construction industry. In general, an engineering firm which provides planning, design, construction supervision or related knowledge services, in either traditional A/E, E/C, D/B, turnkey, or PPP contracting category, must complete the required professional services through the success of project and risk management. In the past decades, domestic engineering firms and their professionals had contributed fairly in the construction and maintenance of tremendous infrastructures projects, including highways, transits, underground-railways, the high-speed-rail in transportation, energy facilities, power-transitions, hydraulic structures, environmental engineering, wastewater conduits, science parks, station buildings, and city-developments, etc. However, the practice of project management in engineering firms has been baffled due primarily to lack of international business competition, integration of governmental regulations and legal enforcement, as well as difficulties in the management of professional services. There is an urgent demand for improvement of management of engineering projects throughout the country. Thus, this research aims to enhance the improvement of business process and risk management of projects with focuses on the study of assessment and control of uncertainties; and analyze problems in current practice to help firms and the practitioners in the services. This thesis documents, according to literature review and personal insights, the main features of engineering services and project risks. And further assesses present market status as well as future development of traditional, novel and global projects. Analyses of uncertainties covering factors of technology, man-power, financial, contract, environment, etc. are discussed accordingly in three phases: processes of business development, contract implementation, and dispute resolution. With additionally findings gained from evaluation on critical monitoring procedures of engineering firm, this research suggests firms, specifically primary ones, to establish a systematic approach for project-oriented business and risk management mechanism. It is anticipated that the results of this research will contribute to the upgrade of professional services and competitiveness of engineering firms in the global era.




