  • 學位論文


Assemblage Composition of Demersal Fish in the East China Sea in summer 2009 to 2011

指導教授 : 蕭仁傑


東海為東亞地區的重要魚場之一,其大陸棚區相當遼闊,受到海流和季節性氣候變化的影響,此區的水文狀況及氣候型態相當複雜。長江為東海最主要的淡水輸入源,夾帶了豐富的營養鹽,於入海口造成環境的差異。本研究以近岸至離岸的測線規劃,探討底棲魚類群聚的空間差異及年間變動。2010年,長江流域發生洪泛,導致長江沖淡水輸入量暴增,本研究觀察受長江沖淡水影響的近岸測站,各項環境因子的差異,以及魚類群聚組成是否有所變動。 於海研一號航次Cr. 905、Cr. 932與Cr. 966,利用橫桿式底拖網採集到51科126種,總共7992隻底棲魚類樣本,建立三年間物種組成資料,以CLUSTER及nMDS等分析結果,發現物種組成在同一測站的相似度較高。環境因子部分,表層的鹽度與底層溶氧量為正相關,氮鹽濃度、葉綠素濃度則與底層溶氧量間有顯著負相關。綜觀2009至2011年間,長江沖淡水在2010年有最大的覆蓋面積。 在物種組成的年間變動,主要為優勢物種所佔比例的差異,同一測站的物種組成會有較高的相似度,且測站間的差異度也達到顯著,故東海海域的物種組成在空間與時間尺度上皆有變動。離岸測站的生物多樣性高於近岸測站,可能原因為:營養鹽的輸入增加了葉綠素濃度,使過多的有機物質經細菌分解後,造成近岸底層環境溶氧量減少,導致生物多樣性下降;此外,離岸地區通常擁有較高的溶氧量及生物多樣性。本研究搜集之魚類物種多樣,說明了東海海域蘊含豐富的漁業資源,且其地理位置與陸地相接,受到人類活動影響甚鉅,其生態系統的變動情形,值得進行持續性的長期觀測與研究。


The East China Sea (ECS) possess extensive continental shelf and fishing grounds in eastern Asia. The seasonal monsoon caused some variations of water currents succession and complicated climatic condition. Input of fresh water from Changjiang (CJ) attribute to nutrient-rich condition at the adjacent areas of the estuary. In this research, oceanographic survey was conducted across the inshore-offshore transects to collect all of the environmental factor and demersal fish samples. The increasing of fresh water input, due to the Changjiang flood in 2010, which may affect the marine ecosystem was evaluated in this study. Totally, 7992 demersal fish including 126 species were collected in Cr. 905, Cr. 932 and Cr. 966. The demersal fish species composition of each station was examined. The highest similarities for CLUSTER and nMDS similarity were found in the same station among the years. Dissolved oxygen at the bottom is positively correlated to the surface salinity, but negatively correlated to nitrate and chlorophyll a concentration. Fish species composition varied greatly between each station, especially inshore and offshore sites. This result implied that the fish communities were influenced by ecosystem heterogeneity and the environmental conditions. Higher diversity appeared at offshore sites that have higher dissolved oxygen and diverse habitats. The effects of anthropogenic activities to the ECS ecosystem needed a long-term observation.


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