  • 學位論文


“APEC Blue” and the Images of China: The Case of the Chinese Websites of the BBC and The New York Times

指導教授 : 谷玲玲


本研究旨在探討外國媒體中文網如何建構中國形象,並歸納中文網成立的歷史脈絡與其對國際資訊新聞流通的影響。利用論述歷史分析法觀察《BBC中文網》和《紐約時報中文網》如何利用「APEC藍」議題建構中國形象。研究結果發現《BBC中文網》與《紐約時報中文網》夾帶東方主義意識形態在刻畫中國的國際形象,對於刻劃中國形象還停留在強調「他者性」(otherness)的階段。《紐約時報中文網》利用媒體的議題設定功能篩選出的論述多對中國形象不利,以限制中國的國家話語權為策略,提高反中國國際話語權的發聲比例,再利用階級意識分化中國,建構中國「危險」、「貪腐」、「霸道」、「專制」、「忽視人權」、「落後」、「虛有其表」等負面形象。 《BBC中文網》在此議題上則有轉變的過程,早先是以負面態度建構中國形象,並對中國治理空氣汙染問題的策略不以為意,但到2015年初期態度趨於保守,並給予中國政府較彈性的空間與時間改善空氣汙染,2015年6月更以《BBC中文網》記者之名刊出分析稿,給予中國正面肯定。所塑造的中國形象也從2014年的離經叛道、霸道、貪污腐敗、不知所謂;到2015年6月時卻成了「低承諾高兌現」的泱泱大國。對於中國國際話語權的發聲也是由限制到擴張,更出現直接採訪中國官員的報導,報導態度有所變化。 最後,本研究認為媒體必定有其意識形態,而如中文網類型的跨國媒體不免為追求自己國家利益最大化,其報導方向與目的多少與國家利益存有關聯。不過從《BBC中文網》實地的採訪,與深入了解後的願意釋放平等話語權的狀況而言,對於國際新聞資訊流通是有所幫助的。而《紐約時報中文網》則可提供反論述供讀者參考,對於增進世界多元意見與溝通是有一定程度的幫助。


To examine the images of China on the website of the BBC and The New York Times, this thesis focuses on the history of how the international media were established and how they affected to the international information flow. By using the Discourse – Historical Approach, this study analysis news coverage of the “APEC Blue”. The results show that the BBC Chinese and The New York Times Chinese covered the APEC Blue issue as part of global climate change problem, and kept China’s discursive power down to make China as an “otherness” in the international relations. To The New York Times Chinese, China is a country which had strong class consciousness, and China is more concerned about protecting its images as a nation-state than anything else. However, there was a turning point in the BBC Chinese reports. The BBC Chinese first regarded China as a ridicules country which only saw the short-term benefits and neglected the roots of the air pollution problem. During the year of 2015, the BBC Chinese turned to defensing China. The BBC Chinese portrayed China as country that was tended to do more than just saying to solve the global warming problem.


