  • 學位論文


Utilizing the health belief model to predict behaviors of receiving retina examination among diabetes patients

指導教授 : 陳端容


目標:利用健康信念模式探討並了解影響糖尿病患定期接受眼底檢查的因素。 方法:本研究採橫斷式調查法。利用自行發展之健康信念模式問卷,針對107位第一型及第二型糖尿病患進行分析研究。利用卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定及羅吉斯回歸進行資料分析並調查研究變項與糖尿病患定期接受眼底檢查之間的關係。 結果:經羅吉斯回歸分析有定期自行監測血糖、疾病相關知識較豐富、行動線索來自醫療人員的糖尿病患較明顯可能會定期接受眼底檢查。 結論:欲提昇糖尿病視網膜病變的篩檢率,首先需重視的是教育糖尿病患關於糖尿病視網膜病變的知識。對於未定期自行監測血糖、初期糖病患者、無法記得何時回診檢查的糖尿病患更需積極轉介至眼科門診完成眼底檢查。


Objectives: Based on health belief model (HBM), the research aims to explore and clarify the factors contributing to diabetic patients’ regularity of receiving retina examinations. Methods: The cross-section survey is majorly adopted throughout the research targeting a total of 107 diabetic patients with the self-developed HBM Questionnaires. The chi-square test, independent-sample t test, and logistic regression were used to analyse the data and conclude the correlation among research variables and the regularity the diabetic patients receive retina examination. Results: The inference founded on the logistic regression is diabetic patients in the habit of self-checking blood sugar, better-informed about the disease, and action cues from paramedics are more likely to undergo retina examination by a significant degree. Conclusions: To promote the regularity of diabetic patients receiving retina examinations, patients should be better-informed about the knowledge of diabetic retinopathy. For those neither able to self-check blood sugar on a regular basis nor remember to return for diabetes follow-ups, or those at the early stages of diabetes, it is required to forcefully transfer them to the ophthalmology department to fulfil the retina examination.


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