  • 學位論文


The Limits of the disciplinary measures of the civil servant’s private-sphere behaviors

指導教授 : 葉俊榮


在過去特別權力關係理論與中國傳統儒家思想下,公務員的私人生活亦受到全方位之檢驗,國家自得對其職務外行為藉由懲戒或懲處等制裁手段予以管制。惟在法治與人權保障思潮盛行下之今日,國家是否仍能對公務員下班後之私人行為為懲戒或懲處?有無界限存在?又,公務員與國家間兩者利益應如何調和?此皆為值得思考之問題。 因此本文之問題意識在於:國家就公務員私領域行為行使懲戒權之界限,意即:針對公務員與執行職務無關之私領域行為,國家能否懲戒與懲處?是否所有私領域行為皆可懲戒與懲處?其標準何在? 又,本文透過對我國懲戒與懲處相關規範、學說與實務運作之觀察、分析,並與外國懲戒法制作一比較研究,最後並為具體案例之分析操作,得出結論如下: 雖現行公務員懲戒法與公務人員考績法均有其懲戒與懲處事由之相關規定,惟其亦有使用高度不確定之法律概念者,再加以與公務員服務法第5條等規定搭配解釋之結果,實務上往往使公務員職務外之私領域行為亦動輒得咎,似有空洞化懲戒與懲處事由之規定而失其規範意義之疑慮,使私領域行為的懲戒和懲處與否幾乎毫無標準可言。 是以本文建議得援引德國法制之見解,以「損及公務員職務上信任或官署之行政聲譽」為懲戒與懲處私領域行為之初步標準。此外,為補充其不足,並將我國實務上之懲戒與懲處案件予以分類,並大膽地進一步建構其類型化之懲戒與懲處標準,以期解決我國實務上之問題。 最後,希望藉由此議題之研究,使公務員之懲戒與懲處能在更符合法治與人權國家之要求下,同時顧及國家利益,而對公務員懲戒與懲處法制有所裨益。


In the past, under the special power relation (Das besondere Gewaltverhältnis) theory and Chinese traditional Confucian thought, the private lives of civil servants were also subject to a comprehensive inspection, the state of course could regulate their behavior out of duties by sanctions such as judicial discipline or administrative punishment. But today the trend of rule of law and the protection of human rights thoughts is prevalent ,whether the state will still be able to discipline or punish the private acts of civil servants after work ? Are there any limits ? Moreover, how to reconcile the interests between the civil servants and the state ? These are worth thinking about problems. Therefore, the question consciousness of this article is:The limits of the right to take disciplinary measures to the private-sphere behavior of the civil servants, in other words, can the state discipline or punish for the private acts of the civil servants which has nothing to do with the performance of their duties? Whether all behavior of the private sphere can be disciplined and punished? What are the standards? Furthermore, this article through the observation and analysis of relevant statutes and theoretical and practical operation of the discipline and punishment in our country, and making a comparative study with foreign discipline legal systems, and finally the analysis of specific cases, concluded as follows: Although there are related rules of the subject of discipline and punishment in the current civil service disciplinary law and civil service performance appraisal law, there are highly uncertain legal concepts in those rules. Besides, those rules are coupled with article 5 of civil service service law and other rules to apply. They both usually cause that almost all the behaviors of the off-duty and private sphere of civil servants become easy to be blame. It seems to bring the worry which is that the rules of the subject of discipline and punishment become empty and lose their meanings, and it causes that almost there aren’t any standards for whether the state discipline and punish the private-sphere behaviors of the civil servants or not. Therefore suggested in this article to cite the opinion of Germany legal system, to take "losing the functionary trust of the civil servant or the administrative reputation of the government" for the initial standard of discipline and punishment of the private-sphere behavior. Besides, in order to supplement its deficiencies, the practical cases in our country of the discipline and punishment were classified, and the writer boldly further to construct the typed-standards of the discipline and punishment, with a view to solving practical problems. Lastly, I hope that by the research in this issue the disciplinary punishment of the civil servants can more in line with the requirements of the rule of law and human rights, and at the same time it takes into account the interests of the state, and benefit the legal system of the discipline and punishment of the civil service.


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