  • 學位論文


A Study of Time-space Allocation of Agricultural Activities in Nan-shan Village

指導教授 : 張長義


台灣地區由於地理位置與氣候、地質、地形等自然因素的影響,天然災害的發生非常頻繁,尤其近年來環境敏感地區的人為開發活動有增無已,地震、颱風、水災與土石流等災變頻仍。高山農業乃是人類開發山地資源的一種方式,其結果常造成山坡地濫墾、污染水源,以及破壞山地自然資源。1960年代,台灣高海拔農業的開發,曾為農業寫下輝煌的歷史,利用山地冷涼的氣候條件,種植山地與平地產期不同的高冷蔬菜,以供應市場需求;換言之,就是以高冷地的空間換取蔬菜生產時間差異化的一種農業經營型態。本研究內容即以時間地理學的觀點,進行菜農農耕活動與環境互動關係的討論,利用文獻資料蒐集、參與觀察法和深度訪談法的方式,記錄南山部落土地利用活動的時空間配置,進而瞭解菜農的栽培管理時序的建立,從而找出菜農的時空律動,並且利用這種規律下形成的菜農雇工組織,同時深入探討原住民與平地人不同族群的菜農的時空間配置之差異。 本研究調查顯示菜農的年中栽培管理時序從育苗→整地→定植→灌溉→施肥→噴農藥→採收等一系列的工作活動,由於經營期間勞力的需求,形成定植班、施肥班、砍菜班等三個經常性雇工活動的組織;此外,還有一種是受海棠颱風災害下所形成的「拔菜班」因應特殊災害之組織。 本研究發現南山地區高冷蔬菜的栽培,當地菜農雇工利用高冷地的空間以及利用與平地不同生產期時間差異性的特質處理其時空配置,說明菜農與雇工的農耕活動不僅是空間移動,更是時間的消費,這一連串活動同時具有時間和空間的互動,兩者是不可分割的。因此,傳統農民的「日出而作,日落而息」的觀念與行為,並不適用於今日的南山部落的菜農,而是形成特殊的「螢火蟲農夫」與「雇工文化」。


Because of the influence of the geographical location, climate and special conditions of geology and topography, natural disasters, such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods, mudflows and landslides occur frequently in Taiwan. Vegetable cultivation in mountain slopeland makes people think of over-cultivation, the pollution of water resources, and deterioration of natural conservation. Since the 1960s, the development of high-mountain agriculture used to make Taiwan agriculture prosperous. Due to the cool climatic condition in the mountain areas, people cultivate lower-temperature vegetables and harvest in different seasons from those in plain areas. Based on the methodology of time-geography, this study attempts to discuss the relationship between the activities of high mountain vegetable farmers and the cultivated environment. Through literature review, participating observation and interviewing, the research has recorded the time-space allocation of the land use activities in Nan-shan tribe and found out how vegetable farmers set up the sequence of cultivating management and employee organizations. In additions, the differences between the aborigines and non-aborigines in the time-space allocation of the land use activities has been analyzed as well. The survey results indicate that the vegetable farmers conduct a series of working activities, inclusive of seeding, land-mending, planting, irrigating, fertilizing, spraying and harvesting. During the period of harvest, due to the demand of labor, regular employee organizations including planting team, fertilizing team and harvesting team are formed. Besides, during the period of survey, another special task force form of employ organization named pulling vegetable team was formed because of the strike of typhoon Hai-Tang. The finding of this research is that the high mountain vegetable farmers in Nan-Shan area use the cool climatic condition in the mountainous area to harvest their vegetables that differentiate from those in lowland areas in different seasons. The research results explain that the agricultural activities of vegetable farmers and employees are not only related to space movement but also consumption of time. What can not be separated is the interaction of time and space in the series of activities. The tradition way of working with the sunrise and resting with the sunset is no longer a life model for the vegetable farmers in Nan-shan tribe. The special agricultural forms, the so called –`firefly’farmers and employee culture, have taken its place.




