  • 學位論文


The Impact of Cultural Intelligence on Employee Expatriate Willingness to Mainland China

指導教授 : 陸洛


本研究旨在探討文化智商對員工外派至中國大陸意願之影響。本研究以文化智商作為自變項,中國大陸工作意願為依變項。並以台灣地區之公營機關、私營企業之全職員工做為主要研究對象,進行結構性的問卷施測並採用便利取樣,總計完成598份有效問卷。 透過階層迴歸分析之結果顯示,文化智商對於員工外派至中國大陸工作意願具有顯著的影響效果,即為個人若具有能夠有效適應不同文化環境的能力,則將尋求可充分發揮此能力之環境,故外派意願將較高。除研究者原先訂定之假設外,研究者亦針對文化智商的四個次級構面進行細部的分析,發現「動機性文化智商」、「行為性文化智商」及「認知性文化智商」對中國大陸工作意願之影響效果達顯著,但「調整認知性文化智商」則未達顯著。因此,本研究建議管理者可透過文化智商量表來選任適合的員工執行外派任務,並依據文化智商的各項概念來設計海外派遣前的訓練課程,以期增加海外派遣的成功機率。


The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of Cultural Intelligence on employee willingness expatriate to Mainland China. The purposive sampling method was used to conduct surveys with structured questionnaires among full-time employees of public/private organizations in Taiwan. A total of 598 participants returned valid responses for further analysis. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that Cultural Intelligence was positively associated with employee willingness expatriate to Mainland China. As revealed by supplementary analysis, three subordinate variables of Cultural Intelligence (including Motivational Cultural Intelligence, Behavioral Cultural Intelligence and Cognitive Cultural Intelligence) was also positively associated with employee expatriate willingness to Mainland China. However, the effect between Metacognitive Cultural Intelligence (another subordinate variable of Cultural Intelligence) and employee expatriate willingness to Mainland China was not significant. Putting findings of this study in the context of management practices, we propose that it is important for enterprises to select appropriate employees to perform expatriate tasks by the evaluation of Cultural Intelligence. And before expatriation, the training program to improve employees’ Cultural Intelligence is also crucial for the future adaptation to different cultures.


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