  • 學位論文


China's Political and Economic Impacts on Hong Kong after the Handover: An Analysis of Reporting in Hong Kong’s Ming Pao Newspaper

指導教授 : 郝培芝
共同指導教授 : 王信賢


隨著中國大陸在全球扮演角色日趨重要,世界各國面對中國所採取的態度各有不同,中國帶來機會抑或威脅的辯論至今仍方興未艾,香港作為隸屬中華人民共和國的特別行政區,中共承諾「一國兩制」並寫入基本法,保證「高度自治,港人治港」,1997年回歸後,逐漸與中國整合的過程難以避免主權移交所帶來的各種影響。對此,本研究目的在針對香港回歸後政經發展和中國互動過程,中國因素透過政治壓力以及經濟操控,轉變香港原有的政制及社會運作,尤以新聞編採的立場歸順北京,亦是維繫香港社會對「一國兩制」信心的標準。在實行資本主義的香港,面對回歸後中共黨國體制的特殊領導關係,本文聚焦於香港媒體及自由派華語報紙《明報》,分析統一戰線與高層人事變動造成報導立場的轉變,檢視香港新聞自由與自我審查現象,是否在特定議題向中國官方立場靠攏,使香港社會在回歸後與中國往來增加而減少原有自由。 香港作為自由港開放外資,中共堅持對港主權,要求香港「繁榮穩定」,避免成為顛覆基地,但近年中港矛盾及香港民主化要求升高,中港兩種制度背後具有不同價值觀,傳媒成為控制香港政經發展的重要工具,本文也透過文本分析及實際訪談解讀香港媒體政治變化。對於「中國因素」影響與作用,從香港經驗也可提供對照,提供兩岸政策所應具有的戰略思考,本文發現回歸後港媒難以對抗中共界定核心敏感議題,但公民社會發展,加上專業主義、市場因素,成為協助港媒抗拒中國因素的回應,抵銷中國的政治影響與干預。


香港 中國因素 統一戰線 一國兩制 明報


“One Country, Two System” has been a debate on Hong Kong since political handover from UK to China in 1997. As the sovereignty returned to China has become the largest event for China and Hong Kong at the end of last century, the city facing both direct and indirect pressure making Hong Kong from a global city to a Chinese city, even Chinese Communist Party promised all things remain unchanged. This study reviews Chinese influence on Hong Kong’s pro-liberal newspaper Ming Pao from political and societal aspects. China established United Front and State-Business network as political proxy to control media, put Chinese ideology order on Hong Kong. All the media more or less received influence from China such as Self-censorship and avoid sensitive issues defined by Central Government. Hong Kong media, however, confronts Chinese political pressure by different methods. In Ming Pao’s case study and interview, this thesis found not only civil society development but also market sales and professionalism have become an anti-China factor strategies, to keep Hong Kong relatively autonomous from other Chinese cities.


張茂桂,2011,〈倡議「中國效應」研究的觀點〉,《台灣社會學通訊》,72 : 25-30。
鄭宇碩,2004,〈從「以商圍政」看北京對香港的統戰政策〉,《遠景基金會季刊》, 5(2): 197-217。
