  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Economic Growth, Trade and FDI–Evidence from ASEAN 5

指導教授 : 杜震華


東協自由貿易區 (ASEAN FTA) 自從一九九三年成立以來,國際貿易是否能夠帶動經濟成長一直是學者關注的焦點。此外,東協五國大多為開發中國家,初期往往缺乏先進生產設備與資金,因此外資向來被視為經濟命脈。另一方面,東協五國經濟成長的原因何在?經濟成長主要為受到東協自由貿易區的影響或者是其他因素?此一問題亦備受關注。因此,本論文研究旨在探討經濟成長、貿易及外人直接投資三者間之關係。 過去研究利用VAR模型對經濟成長議題所作之研究,在經濟成長之衡量上採用總量或是成長率方式,研究結果顯示東協五國在經濟成長、貿易與外資三者間無統計上顯著之因果存在,而本研究則以世界銀行 (World Bank)之年序列資料 (World Development Indicators),將各變數以成長率的衡量方式,重新探討變數間之因果關係。 因東協自由貿易區的關係,將時間區分為1981~1992及1993~2014前後兩段時期,觀察三者在東協五國之表現,結果顯示,前期經濟成長與貿易有互為因果之關係存在,表示在1993年之前外資對經濟成長產生了直接挹注的效果,而同時經濟成長帶動出口;後期則以新加坡較具代表性,主要為經濟成長與貿易有因果關係之作用,而同時外資帶動經濟成長,表示在1993年之後經濟成長、貿易及外資則受到 (東協) 自由貿易區影響較大。本論文研究以不同於傳統計量經濟學之角度衡量其迴歸係數之解釋,旨在提供後續之研究者不同之思維方向。


Since ASEAN FTA is established in 1993, whether international trade leds economic growth has been in debate. As a developing country, ASEAN5 often lack the advanced production equipment and funds in the beginning. FDI is always regarded as ASEAN5’s economic lifeline. Besides, what is the reason that causes ASEAN5 economic growth? Does economic growth mainly for ASEAN FTA or other things? This research intends to discuss the relationship between economic growth, trade and FDI. In the past, scholars used quantity or growth rate to measure economic growth in VAR model. The findings demonstrated there was no significant statistic relationship between economic growth, trade and FDI. This research chooses “World Development Indicators” which is provided by World Bank in 2016. This research also uses growth rate to measure its relationship. Because of ASEAN FTA, the time line is divided into the two periods from 1981 to 1992 and from 1993 to 2014. The results show that economic growth and export stimulate each other before 1993. This indicates that FDI has the injection effect and at the same time leds export before 1993. After establishing ASEAN FTA, the results show that economic growth and trade stimulate each other and at same time FDI leds economic growth in Singapore. This indicates that economic growth, trade and FDI are mainly affected by free trade area after 1993.


蔡青龍、蔡攀龍(2012),印尼和泰國的經濟發展、外人直接投資與國際勞工移動:IMDP 分析架構之驗證,台灣東南亞學刊,9(1),頁79-112。
