  • 學位論文


The Influence Mechanism of Urban and Rural People’s Psychological Well-Being

指導教授 : 謝雨生


本研究之研究目的有三:(1)探討台灣城市與鄉村地區居民其心理健康的差異;(2)分析台灣城鄉居民心理健康差異的中間影響機制,亦即瞭解城鄉居民是否因其生活環境中所觸及的社會支持以及活動參與的類型與程度的差別而導致不同的心理健康;(三)檢視城鄉居民心理健康是否會受到城鄉與中間影響機制的交互作用影響。 本論文分析資料採用自行政院國家科學委員會資助之「台灣地區社會變遷基本調查」第四期第一次調查原始資料,該計劃係由中央研究院社會學研究所執行。原始樣本數有1,895個,經過樣本處理過後,本研究實際所使用的樣本數為1,870個。本研究以潛在階層模式(Latent Class Model)與多元迴歸分析(Multiple Regression)來進行論文所需的分析。 使用潛在階層模式的分析結果顯示休閒活動參與類型中的精神生活類型可分為「自然愛好生活型」(35.23%)、「精神匱乏生活型」(12.57%)、「音樂閱讀生活型」(25.74%)和「多樣精神生活型」(26.46%)等四種類型;而休閒活動參與類型中的物質生活類型則可分成「多樣物質生活型」(17.35%)、「低度物質生活型」(50.44%)、「逛街生理滿足型」(24.69%)和「社交生活重視型」(7.52%)等四種。 最後本研究使用多元迴歸分析後發現:(1)台灣城鄉居民的心理健康有差異;(2)社會支持會對個人的心理健康有正面的影響,特別是擁有較完整的社會支持護航圈的個人,其心理健康會比缺乏社會支持護航圈的人為佳,也比只有單一社會支持護航圈的人要來得好;(3)活動參與對城鄉居民的心理健康也有影響。個人參與的節慶活動愈多,對其心理健康愈有正面的幫助;而個人的休閒活動參與若是屬於精神生活類型中的「多樣精神生活型」,其心理健康會較「精神匱乏生活型」的人為佳;而個人若是屬於物質生活類型中的「逛街生理滿足型」,其心理健康則會比「低度物質生活型」的人來得差;(4)鄉村居民在心理健康上會比城市居民需要朋友網絡或是擁有完整的支持網絡,若是鄉村居民只有朋友網絡或是擁有完整的支持網絡,其心理健康將會比同樣是只有朋友網絡或是擁有完整的支持網絡的城市居民要來得好;(5)鄉村居民在節慶活動參與上的需求會比都市居民來得高,鄉村居民若是多參與節慶活動,會比同樣參與節慶活動的都市居民在心理健康上要來得好。同樣地,鄉村居民對「社交生活重視型」的活動項目需求也比都市居民要高,若是他們多參與該類型的活動項目,將會比參與該類型項目活動的城市居民在心理健康上要來得好。


The purposes of this study are: (1) to explore the psychological well-being differences between urban and rural people in Taiwan; (2) to analyze the mediating mechanism that affects the psychological well-being differences between urban and rural people in Taiwan. In other words, we try to understand whether the differences between urban and rural people’s psychological well-being are caused different types of social supports and activity participations available to them; (3) to examine whether the psychological well-being of rural and urban people is influenced by the interaction of urban/rural and the mediating mechanism. Data used in this thesis were collected in the forth cycle’s first year survey of the research project “Taiwan Social Change Survey”. The project was conducted by the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, and sponsored by the National Science Council, Republic of China. The original sample size was 1,895. After conducting missing data, our sample size became 1,870. We used latent class model and multiple regression to analyze our data. By the latent class model analyzing results, we obtained four types of lifestyles under the inner life category: outdoor-loving lifestyle(35.23%), inner-life absent lifestyle(12.57%), music-reading lifestyle(25.74%) and multi-activities lifestyle(26.46%); another four types of lifestyles under the material life category: multi-material lifestyle (17.35%), low-material lifestyle(50.44%), shopping satisfaction lifestyle(24.69%), and social life valued lifestyle(7.52%). Finally, we obtained the findings by using multiple regression analysis: (1) there is difference of psychological well-being between urban and rural people; (2)social supports have positive effects on individuals’ psychological well-being. Especially, those who have a more complete social support convoy circles are psychologically better than people who are lack of social support convoy circles or people with only own one social support circle; (3) activity participation is also good for urban and rural people’s psychological well-being. The more people participate in festival activities, the more beneficial for their psychological well-being. The psychological well-being of people who belong to the multi-activities lifestyle type are better than those who belong to inner-life absent lifestyle type. The psychological well-being of people who belong to the shopping satisfaction lifestyle category are worse than those who belong to the low material lifestyle category; (4) to have a better psychological well-being, rural people have more need for friend network or having a complete support network than urban people do. If rural people only have friend network or own a complete support network, their psychological well-being will be better than urban people; (5) rural people have higher demands for festival activity participations than urban people. If rural people have more participation in these activities, their psychological well-being will be better than urban people. Similarly, rural people have higher demand for the activities under the items of social life valued lifestyle than urban people. If rural people participate more in the activities of that particular lifestyle, their psychological well-being will be better than urban people.


2002 不同職業者和憂鬱程度調查報告,財團法人董氏基金會心理衛生組心理健康相關調查。
2000 台灣社會變遷基本調查計劃第四期第一次調查計劃執行報告,台北:中央研究院社會科學研究所。
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Searle, Mark S., Mahon, Michael, Michael J., Iso-Ahola, Seppo E., Sdrolias, Heather Adam, & Dyck, Joanne van


