  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃恆獎


網路銀行已成為全世界先進國家金融界發展主要課題之一,隨著全球化市場來臨,透過網路交易日漸普遍,網路銀行無時間及空間上之限制,可讓消費者即時的需求得到滿足,為吸引不同的消費族群,拓展市場佔有率,多重的行銷管道已是不可或缺。再者,開發網路銀行亦可大幅降低銀行之櫃台作業成本。因此,銀行業對此一電子通路之設置已是時勢所趨,而電子通路之經營良窳也影響了銀行的市場地位與生存空間。本研究即以網路銀行代銷共同基金為例,探討銀行業電子通路之經營,並給予經營策略之建議。   本研究採個案研究方式,從個案網路銀行代銷共同基金之情況分析其產品內容、品牌形象、網站專業度、網站安全性、網站互動性、網站操作性、優惠方案及促銷策略,做綜合評比,並給予個別經營策略建議,並產生綜合結論如下: 一、實體通路的配合有助於形成網路銀行的競爭優勢。 二、資訊系統的掌握有助於形成網路銀行的競爭優勢。 三、品牌知名度與顧客基礎有助於形成網路銀行的競爭優勢。 四、在其他條件與競爭對手相似之下,網路銀行可採用差異化策略來強化其競爭優勢。 五、建立網路銀行即時互動功能可提高網路銀行之吸引度。 六、網站專業度及操作性,影響客戶使用網路銀行之意願。 七、因此,網路安全機制愈完善,愈有助於網路銀行的發展。 八、發展網路銀行有助於銀行業降低成本,但過度競爭造成銀行採取激烈價格戰爭,造成銀行獲利能力愈趨薄弱。 本研究對產業之建議如下: 一、應持續發展網路銀行代銷共同基金,並將其成功經驗應用於其他產品,如:網路銀行代銷保險。 二、網路銀行應提供更多元化的服務來吸引客戶,並以高服務品質來提昇品牌形象。 三、發展無線網路,不侷限於有線網路之經營,儘早取得無線網路市場之先佔優勢。 四、利用”推薦式行銷”(Peer to Peer)策略以擴大網路銀行客戶數。 五、利用網路銀行交叉銷售其他商品,提昇客戶商品持有數及忠誠度。


Internet bank has become the master issue in the banks of developed countries. With globalization coming, internet trading is common today. Limitless time and space of internet bank satisfies immediate needs of customers. In order to attract every kind of customers and acquire the market, banks must develop a lot of marketing channels. Also, internet bank can cut much human cost. It is necessary for banks to develop this channel, and banks may go down if they don’t maintain the channel good. This thesis confers banks’ electronic channel in the case of mutual funds sold in internet bank, and gives recommendation in manage strategy. With case research, this thesis analyzes the cases’ products, brand image, price, promotion, and profession, safety, interaction, operation of internet bank. This thesis gives recommendation to internet bank and concludes as follows: 1.Real channels can improve competence of internet bank. 2.Good information systems can improve competence of internet bank. 3.Good brand image and large customer base can improve competence of internet bank. 4.Differentiation strategy can improve competence of internet bank. 5.Establishing online interacting can improve attractiveness of internet bank. 6.Profession and operation of internet bank impact customers’ interest to use it. 7.More safe of internet bank, more development of internet bank . 8.Internet bank can cut cost of banks, but severe competition in price also cuts banks’ profit. This thesis gives recommendation to the industry as follows: 1.Banks should continue developing mutual funds’ selling in internet bank, and spread the experience to other products, ex. insurance sold in internet bank. 2.Internet bank should provide more services to attract customers, and enhance service quality to improve brand image. 3.Banks should develop not only wire but also wireless internet to obtain the market in advance. 4.Banks can use “Peer to Peer” strategy to enlarge base of internet bank customers. 5.Banks can cross sell other products in internet bank, so that customers buy more products and become more faithful.


13. 矽谷時報財經研究中心資深研究員,「e世代網路理財大趨勢」,台北,商智文化事業股份有限公司。
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9. Winston, A.B.(1997),“The Economics of Electronic Commerce”,Macmillan Technical Publishing, Indiana.
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林寶珠(2007)。總代理制度下,境外基金代理業者的通路策略 - 以先鋒投顧為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01622
