  • 學位論文


Biofuels, the EU Renewable Energy Directive and International Regime-Toward Polycentric Approach

指導教授 : 羅昌發
共同指導教授 : 張文貞(Wen-Chen Chang)


全球氣候變遷之環境議題於今備受矚目,其生質能在面臨全球暖化過程所帶來的緩和與衝擊亦為一值得深究之課題。早期人民寄予厚望於生質燃料因與石化燃料相比,生質燃料所釋出溫室氣體較少,而在於今備受矚目全球氣候變遷之脈落下,生質燃料似能緩和溫室效應,但其負面效應亦應需求日益攀升逐漸顯露。 本論文欲以歐盟近年所通過生質能與歐盟再生能源指令,探討其在WTO協定架構下是否有違相關WTO協定,及生質能是否為對抗全球暖化最佳途近,並以各國立法政策探討國際環境政策之制定與國際貿易之間微妙互動關係。本論文將以WTO相關協定為出發點,特別是General Agreement on Tariffs and trade 與 WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade所涉及的相關條文為本論文論述之脈落。在歐盟再生能源指令有可能違反WTO協定前提下,本文將進一步探討是否有必要推廣生質能及是否有必要綠化WTO協定,或是得以其它途徑推廣生質能的使用。 永續發展和全球氣候變遷乃係本世紀所面臨的重要議題之一,各國如何在促進貿易與環境保護中取得平衡,已使這議題具有跨國界性之性質。又因生質燃料之生產方法具有爭議性,其是否為對抗全球暖化之石化燃料替代物,乃待有進一步的討論空間。本論文亦欲討論國際貿易法及國際環境法兩者間的互立關係,並以生質燃料為著立點,探討至今的國際貿易與國際環境如何在對立狀態找尋共通點。


The rate of anthropogenic climate change poses unprecedented challenges in scale and magnitude, the significance of global warming and worldwide weather anomalies signal the need to reexamine the current economic activities as the search for new alternative energies continues. Admittedly, biofuels is amongst numerous climate mitigation instruments available, yet because the environmental controversies surrounding biofuels, it makes an interesting case study to explore the dynamic interplay in the international regime. This thesis places the focus on the EU Renewable Energy Directive and biofuels, and examines the possible inconsistency with the WTO regime. This thesis attempt to argue an alternative approach for considering the current international regime as an appropriate forum to advance biofuels, by developing the argument using the example of the EU Renewable Energy Directive, and concludes on a need for a polycentric approach in light of this contemporary concern to establish a greener global environment.


Press Release, (2009, December 17) EP seals climate change package. Retrieved from http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/expert/background_page/064-44005-343-12-50-911-20081208BKG44004-08-12-2008-2008-false/default_en.htm
Press Release, (2008, December 9) Deal secured on ambitious EU renewable law. Retrieved from http://www.euractiv.com/en/energy/deal-secured-ambitious-eu-renewables-law/article-177897
Press Release, (2008, September 9) Renewables Directive: EU agrees Ambitious Rules to put Renewables at Top of Energy Mix.
Press Release, (2007, March 2) Press Conference Launching International Biofuels Forum
GATT Council, Minutes of Meeting: Held in the Centre William Rapport on 6 February 1991, C/M/247 (1991)
