  • 學位論文


From Labor-pool to Land-pool: Extended Urbanization in Taichung Metropolitan

指導教授 : 黃麗玲


農地工廠議題在近年的台灣社會中,引發了諸多爭議。然而,其歷史與制度因素卻鮮見討論,這使得當前規劃政策足以回應的課題有限。另一方面,此一空間現象所具備的理論性意義,亦亟待空間研究者的回應。 本文試圖以台中的農地工廠做為研究對象,提出對於上述課題的見解:(1)「農地工廠」曾作為發展型國家的領域調節機制,在人口密集的鄉村地區長出工廠,即軸帶型的「農村長工廠」,但是(2)在全球都市化過程中,工廠變成不受都市歡迎的地景,隨著市地重劃的都市擴張過程,向外推擠至都市外圍農地上,即輻射型的「農地種工廠」。(3)從「農村長工廠」到「農地種工廠」,這是都市化過程較少被觸及的「延展都市化」(extended urbanization)面向。因此,本研究認為,農地工廠的問題其實是都市化過程中,農村土地「腹地化」為都市發展區,農村發展失去主體性的後果。 另外,究竟何謂農地工廠的「歷史共業」?透過歷史制度的分析可見:農地工廠的非正式性(informality)表現在「便利工業用地供給」與「城鄉均衡發展」上,過去是國家高度參與所致,為日後農工混雜的空間形式,埋下集體性違規的制度性根源。因此,台灣的工業用地制度實為「雙元用地供給」,可以將當前爭議核心的《工廠管理輔導法》視為工業區外的例外變更的制度性延續。對此,本研究將農地工廠概念化為「非正式的制度性地景」。 最後,本文以台中縣市的動態互動觀點,為台中市的都市發展提供另外一個分析視角,並且提出「壓抑、擴張、聚集-延展」的三階段都市發展分析架構,提供六都時代的多尺度區域治理,一個適切的分析著力點。最後,不同於直接挪用西方都市理論,本文嘗試提出具有亞洲都市主體性的規劃觀點,回應都市計畫政策領域當前的問題——並非政府有意忽視,而是缺乏規劃上的主體空間想像。


In response to the informal factory controversy, this thesis argues that Agro-land mixed usage should be regarded as a spatial rescaling problem. In Taichung Metropolitan, numerous informal factories surround the core-city. This phenomenon is an Asia style urbanization process, especially in the urban-rural frontier: the desakota region. This study aims to answer: how to position the uneven development of the mosaic urban fringe? Through article review and fieldwork, this study found that (1) in a densely populated rural area, as the labor pool, these informal factories were once a regulatory strategy of the developmental state. However, (2) in the process of global urbanization, these factories transformed into unwanted facilities which have been propelled to the urban fringe through land pooling process (land readjustment). (3) The transition from the labor pool to land pool, as an extended dimension of urbanization, was neglected in previous urban studies. Thus, we believe that the informal factory controversy is actually the omission of rural development policy. Meanwhile, my study shows that to expand industrial estate and urban-rural balance, the developmental state had highly participated in the production of these informal factories in the past. Therefore, I suggest that the industrial estate regulation in Taiwan provides a dual supply path for both formal industrial park and informal Agro-land factories. To support the contemporary environmental protection advocacy, we should take the recent controversial issue of “Factories Regulation Act”(工廠管理輔導法) as the institutional succession to the informal industrial estate of the previous era. Finally, this thesis promotes a dynamic perspective on the urban development history of Taichung metropolitan, which levering a three-stage analysis framework to contemporary “Six Special Municipalities”(六都) governance. The three-stage urbanization is as follows: (1) restriction, (2) expanded, and (3) agglomerated-extended. Our study reveals that the underlying reason for the inadequacy of urban planning disciplines in Taiwan is not incompetent governance, but the lack of city planning image.


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黃子倫、朱凌毅、徐進鈺(2022)。都市化的批判-Neil Brenner全域都市化與資本主義的存續地理學報(102),37-53。https://doi.org/10.6161/jgs.202208_(102).0003
