  • 學位論文


The Agreement on Cross-Strait Cooperation in Combating Crimes and Mutual Legal Assistance between Taiwan and China―A Case Study of Repatriating Taiwanese Prisoners

指導教授 : 周繼祥


隨著兩岸情勢的變化及經貿活動的頻密,兩岸交流樣態也日益增多,同時衍生許多法律糾紛及跨境犯罪問題,但因兩岸缺乏共同打擊犯罪與司法互助機制,因此中國大陸常成為臺籍人犯藏匿行蹤逃避責任的天堂。然隨著兩岸於2009年4月26日簽訂《海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議》,就此開啟兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助之新頁。 目前針對臺籍人犯遣返之研究,較未見以實證角度分析影響遣返之因素,故本論文主要係探討臺籍人犯被中國大陸當局遣返之可能「影響因素」,並將重點置於「影響因素」是否扮演成功遣返的角色,及「總體層次」與「個體層次」變項影響之程度。 本論文主要引用「社會資本理論」及「社會危害性理論」來建構本論文的研究架構,分別用於「總體層次」與「個別層次」的探討,其次再分別以「歷史研究途徑」、「實證研究途徑」及「制度研究途徑」等研究途徑,與「文獻探討法」、「次級資料分析」、「比較分析法」及「調查研究法」等研究方法,進行分析、綜合、比較、歸納,研究臺灣警察機關執行臺籍人犯遣返之現況。 最後,提出本論文研究發現,說明哪些可能「影響因素」,係與臺籍人犯被成功遣返具關聯性。另外,淺述筆者個人認為當前臺籍人犯遣返議題的主要執行困境,及相關策進作為,供各方先進共同討論及指導,亦希冀或可作為臺灣涉陸業務機關及司法機關辦理遣返業務之參考,俾利提高人犯遣返成效。


The patterns of cross-strait exchanges increase gradually owing to its frequent economic activities and changes of cross-strait relations. However, it triggers many legal disputes and cross-border crimes due to its lack of cooperation in combating crimes and mutual legal assistance between Taiwan and China. As a result, China has become a so called “paradise” for those Taiwanese prisoners who tried to hide and evade their criminal responsibilities. However, a new page of the cross-straits cooperation in combating crimes and mutual legal assistance has turned when an Agreement on Cross-Strait Cooperation in Combating Crimes and Mutual Legal Assistance between Taiwan and China has been signed on April 26th, 2009. Only a few study shed a light on repatriating Taiwanese prisoners with empirical analysis of factors affecting repatriation. Thus this study aims to discussing the potential factors, in which affect China’s authorities in repatriating Taiwanese prisoners. This study focus on estimate whether “affecting factor” plays the key role in succeeding repatriate Taiwanese prisoners, and the influence degree of “general level” and “individual level” variables. This study uses the concepts of “Social Capital Theory” and "Social Harm Theory" to examine “general level” and “individual level” variables. Furthermore, this study also adopts several approaches including historical approach, empirical study approach, and institution study approach respectfully to examine the situation of Taiwan authorities in repatriating Taiwanese prisoners with the following research methods: literature discussion method, secondary data method, comparative analysis method, and survey research method. Finally, the findings of the study reveal which “affecting factors” are related to the successful cases of Taiwanese prisoners’ repatriation. Moreover, this study also points out the main predicament in the issue of Taiwanese prisoner repatriation from the author’s point of view. In hope for increasing the success rate of prisoner repatriation, the author also suggests several policies as references for further discussion as well as for those related authorities in Taiwan.


王中天(2003)。〈社會資本(Social Capital):概念、源起、及現況〉,《問題與研究》42(5):139-163。
