  • 學位論文


The Political Economy of Cultural Policy Development in Post War Taiwan,1949-2013

指導教授 : 蕭全政


本研究係探討臺灣戰後文化政策的變遷,深受國內外政經社文的影響。在威權時期,國際間冷戰及圍堵政策下,為了鞏固國家統治的正當性,文化政策強調的是全面高壓的管制,其核心為「復興中華文化」,文化政策即反共文藝政策;威權轉型時期,為了解決國內外的矛盾與衝突,建構臺灣主體性、追求國家認同,文化政策是以「生命共同體」為核心,推動「社區總體營造」、「心靈改革」;民主鞏固時期,在全球化的浪潮之下,臺灣經濟優勢不再、國際處境也一再陷入困境,文化政策力推文化創意產業以及聚焦在華文世界的各項政策。 觀察臺灣戰後的文化政策發展,有著以下幾項影響因素及趨勢:一、國內政治行為者的角力是影響文化政策的首要因素。二、經濟在文化政策中扮演越來越重要的角色。三、文化政策或明或隱始終與中國大陸對抗。四、國際政經局勢與各項因素相互牽動影響。 而目前臺灣文化政策的發展面臨到了文化政策的核心定位該在產業抑或講求文化的純粹性、該集中化還是去中心化、文化政策的立足點應在華人世界還是臺灣本土,以及文化政策在全球化、本土化、中國化三方的力量中擺盪的種種問題。 歸結本文研究後,提出對文化政策走向的建議為: 一、本土化、全球化、中國化取得平衡。二、文化政策的意識及核心定位應再重新思考。善用臺灣的優勢,而不是淪為中國化、邊緣化;重新思量文化的價值和意義,更能發揮文化的力量。


This research is to analyze the cultural policy change in Post War Taiwan, influenced by global and domestic political economic, socio-culture. In the authoritarian era, following the international policies of containment, to consolidate the legitimacy for the ruler of the country, cultural policy stressed coercion and its core was "the reconstruction of Chinese culture." That was so called anti-communist literary policy. Moreover, in the authoritarian transition period, in order to resolve contradictions and conflict between the domestic and abroad , and to construct Taiwan's subjectivity as well as to pursue the national identity, cultural policy is to promote "comprehensive community development", "spiritual reform" on the basis of "community of life". While in the period of democratic consolidation, the globalization makes Taiwan no longer have the advantage in economy. Besides, we have repeatedly face more difficult situation in the international community. Therefore, cultural policy supports the cultural and creative industries and focuses on the Chinese-speaking world. Examining the development of Taiwan's postwar cultural policy, there are several influence factors and trends as followed. First, the domestic political wrestling is the primary factor affecting cultural policies. Second, the economy plays a more and more important role in the cultural policies. Third, cultural policies explicitly or implicitly are always against the mainland China. Fourth, the international political and economic situation interact with various factors. However, the development of cultural policies in Taiwan currently has to face the problems including whether core orientation is in the industry or the purity of culture, centralization or decentralization, and the standpoint of cultural policy should be in Taiwanese or Chinese-speaking world, as well as cultural policy swings among the globalization, the localization and China . In conclusion, the research makes the following recommendations for the future cultural policy. First, striking a balance between the localization, globalization and China. Second, the awareness and core orientation of cultural policy should be reconsidered and taking advantage of Taiwan’s strength rather than become like China or be marginalized. Additionally, thinking the value and meaning of culture again, Taiwan can make it possible to bring the power of culture in the global and domestic political economic trends.




任芝菁(2015)。臺灣災害防救體系變遷之政經分析,1949 ~ 2014〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.10450
