  • 學位論文

Clifford Geertz人類學理論評述-符號-語用的觀點

A Semiotic-Pragmatic Critique of Clifford Geertz's Anthropological Theory

指導教授 : 顏學誠


本論文從符號語用論(semiotic pragmatism)的觀點來評論Geertz的詮釋人類學理論。Clifford Geertz是當代重要的人類學家,特別是他提出的詮釋人類學在七零年代後成為新的研究典範,開啓了新的議題和研究方向。但他的理論也不是沒有受到批評。我在這本論文想要回應的是兩個問題:Geertz的辯護者是否適當的回應了對Geertz的批評?如果他們的回應是不成功的,我們又有什麼替代的方案?在這篇論文中,我整理了Geertz的理論,他受到的批評以及Geertz的支持者幫他做的回應,接著我將指出為Geertz的辯護是不足的,因為他們都沒有挑戰Geertz理論中的再現論立場,最後,我建議符號語用論是一個較佳的理論出路。


This thesis tries to offer an semiotic-pragmatic critique of Clifford Geertz’s anthropological theory. Geertz is probably the most famous and important anthropologist after the 70’s. This is because he created a new paradigm in anthropology: interpretive anthropology. His endeavor also evoked many debates. In this thesis , I want to answer two questions: are Geertz’s defenders able to successfully defend his position? If not, what are the alternatives for us? In this thesis, I summarize Geertz’s anthropological theory, criticisms of his theory and his defenders’ counter-arguments. I argue that their defense is unsuccessful, because they didn’t challenge or revise the “representationalist” stance in Geertz’t theory. And finally, I suggest that Michael Silverstein’s “semiotic-pragmatism” provides is a better alternative.


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Clifford, James and George E. Marcus
2010 語行行為與法規範的效力化。政治與社會哲學評論 32:65-91。
