  • 學位論文


Behaviors of Digital Consumers in Privacy Dilemma A Case of Taiwanese Facebook Users

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


研究以台灣數位消費者以及Facebook平台為研究對象,透過深度訪談法探討消費者在面對網路服務的便利及隱私洩漏風險之兩難時所進行的決策,並依照其隱私態度及行為對其進行分類,且描繪出各類消費者面對數位隱私的態度與行為特徵。同時,驗證台灣數位消費者當中是否存在「願意用隱私換取便利」此一族群。   本研究發現願意用隱私換取便利的消費者確實存在,但比例極低。其他消費者中,一部份會權衡取用服務的得失,針對特定資料範疇選擇保護資訊,放棄利用便利服務;另一部份則表示並不重視存放於 Facebook或在各類網站的資訊,沒有犧牲隱私的問題。另外,願意用隱私換取便利的消費者相較其他類別的消費者,對於Facebook是否給予用戶隱私保護的選擇,抱持較負面的態度;而消費者普遍皆對於Facebook在未經用戶充分察覺的情況下蒐集用戶資訊而感到不滿。


As the advancement of the techniques of personal data collection, digital consumers are increasingly faced with the dilemma of choosing between protecting personal privacy and the benefits of online services, which usually require the access to users’ personal data. This research aims to explore the pattern of Taiwanese digital consumers’ behaviors when they are making decisions whether to compromise privacy in exchange for the benefits of online services and find the factors causing privacy paradox from qualitative behavior analysis. This research was focused on the Facebook users’ behaviors regarding to logging in via Facebook accounts on third-party websites and apps. By observing and analyzing the users’ decisions, the attitude and decision-making processes will be discovered. Based on the in-depth interviews with 15 interviewees and the analysis, it was found that only a tiny minority of interviewees would like to provide access to sensitive personal information for the convenience, while a generous portion of the interviewees use the services selectively and tend to protect or not to disclose sensitive personal information.


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