  • 學位論文


Living between 'the Sacred' and 'the Secular' as Christians: The Case of 'the Local Church Assembly Hall in Taipei City'

指導教授 : 林端


摘要  本研究的問題旨趣是欲探討,基督徒作為一個行動者,其「宗教倫理」轉化為「生活倫理」的過程與內容;又,當其面對信仰理念與現世各價值領域之固有法則性間的衝突時,可能採取的因應策略、詮釋模式、抉擇取徑、影響因素,以及,這些行動表現所具有理論意涵。  本研究進行理解以及分析的過程,相當程度上是受到韋伯(Max Weber)思想的啟發,包括其獨特分析取徑的運用,其針對現代社會中諸價值對立之現象、源頭、過程及結果的闡述,以及其對於現代社會合宜生活樣式的討論等。在文獻探討的章節中,研究者將以上理論思想分述為兩項命題,一為探討「理念」與社會行動之間的關係,二為探討「倫理」與「世界」之間的關係。前者展演韋伯獨特的分析取徑與理解邏輯,後者則扣連著本研究的問題核心。  本研究採取質性研究之「深度訪談法」與「參與觀察法」為主要的資料蒐集方法,以期獲取可供深度詮釋與理解的資料。並且,由於考量研究者進行觀察與訪談時的便利性,以及對田野場域各環節的可掌握程度,本研究將以「台北市召會聚會所」及其信徒為田野場域和訪談對象;而為求能於研究現象的背景脈絡下釐清本研究問題意識所指涉之諸項議題內涵,各章節中亦將有針對此會之「宗教倫理」與信徒特性的闡述及分析。  本研究從九十七年至九十八年間,共計訪問了十五名受訪者,其全部皆是來自於「台北市召會」各區域「聚會所」的信徒。訪談過程以「半結構式深度訪談」進行。研究者事先預備有「訪談題項大綱」,總共包括了:「理財觀」、「職業觀」、「擇偶觀」、「不可離婚」、「交友觀」、「與家人的關係」、「時間分配觀」、「兩性地位觀」、以及「自認較難的課題」,共九個題項。訪談提問雖然包括以上所有題項,然而至進行訪談分析整理時,因考量某些題項之內容較具殊異性(如:財物奉獻、不可離婚),以及某些題項之訪談資料不足豐富(如:與未信之家人的關係),故,並未將之列入訪談分析的章節結構中,而僅於必要參考引述時列舉之。  研究者依據以上訪談題項之間的相關性,區分出兩個分析層面,一為「職涯場域層面」,另一為「人際關係層面」。前者包括了訪談題項中的「職業觀」與「時間分配觀」,其議題內涵主要與信仰者面對價值信念與現實利害之間的矛盾時,如何定義自己在「世界」中的位置有關;後者則包括了訪談題項中的「交友觀」、「擇偶觀」以及「兩性地位觀」,這些議題主要與信仰者在人際網絡組織中,依據價值信念與現實利害,「計算」自己與「世界」的關聯程度,以及當其欲在「世界」中保持首尾一貫之態度時,在「神聖價值觀」與「俗世價值觀」之間的抉擇處境與因應態度有關。  於本篇論文結論之處,研究者首先從宗教社會學中關於「世俗化」論題(the secularization thesis)的觀點切入,然而卻不是要針對此一論題進行深入的探討,而僅是以此引入對於現代社會個人「主觀宗教性」提升(或「個人虔信」)之現象,以及「宗教人的理性」等議題的討論。此處所指個人「主觀宗教性」提升現象的意義,主要是指信仰者在其所歸屬之教會體系及信仰理念框架中,卻能夠擁有相當程度的理念詮釋自由,以及實踐選擇空間的情形;並由此引入關於信仰層面之「理性選擇」意涵的探討。


宗教倫理 神聖 世俗 價值衝突 地方召會 韋伯


Abstract  The purport of this study was to probe into the processes and contents when “Religious Ethics” took a turn to “Living Ethics” from the point of view of Christian, also known as Actor. When facing conflicts of inherent rules between belief and various values in the present world, the possible contingent tactics, explainable mode, selective aspect, influential factors, and theoretical implication which we could select and adopt.  The processes of comprehension and analysis in this study had been influenced and inspired deeply by Max Weber’s thoughts, including the application of distinctive analyzing account and discussion of legitimate living style in modern society, etc…. In the chapters of Literature, the author categorized the theoretical thought above into two theses: the front thesis which imitated Max Weber’s unique analyzing account and comprehension logics conferred the relationship between “ideas” and social actions; the later thesis which interrelated with the nuclear issue of this research probed into the relationship between “Ethic” and “the World.”  “In-Depth Interviews” and “Participant Observation” were adopted as research methods to obtain complete annotation and comprehension. Besides, considering the convenience when researchers doing observe and interview, and mastering all the segments in the relevant parties, the materials of this study were Brothers and Sisters in “the Local Church Assembly Hall in Taipei City.” In order to clarify some controversial issues which had been pointed out in this study by the background of research materials, it would describe and analyze fully based on the “Religious Ethics” and characteristics of followers in every chapter of this literature.  From 2008 to 2009, survey candidates of this study added up to 15 people who all come from different districts of “the Local Church Assembly Hall in Taipei City.” The whole interview carried out through “Semi-Structure And In-Depth Interview” method. The author prepared “outlines of interviewing subjects” in advance as follows: “Finical Management Concept”, “Occupational Concept”, “Marriage Concept”, “Do Not Allow To Divorce”, “Friends-Making Concept”, “Family Relationship”, “Time Management”, “Sex Equality”, and “The Harder Lessons.” Although the interviews included all the questions above, the interviewing contents had not been concluded in the analyzing chapter because some contents of issues had particularities, such as “Property Consecration” and “Do Not Allow to Divorce”, or the incomplete data of some issues, such as “The Relationship between family members who did not have the same religion.” For this reason, the interview contents were just for enumerating when needed.  The author discriminated the interview contents into two analyses aspects according to the correlation of the interview above: “Career Aspect” in which included “Occupational Concept” and “Time Management”; so, the connotation of this issue was how to define your own position in “The Universe” when there were conflicts between followers’ beliefs and reality. Secondly, “Interpersonal Relationship” in which included “Friends-Making Concept”, “Marriage Concept” and “Sex Equality." The purpose of these issues was to “judge” the correlation between oneself and “The Universe” according to the belief and reality. Furthermore, if you would like to keep consistent attitude in “The Universe”, you had to make a choice between “Sacrosanct Values” and “Common Customs Values.”  In the first place, the researcher got into the conclusion by using “The Secularization Thesis” in the Sociology of religion. However, the author did not want to proceed in-depth discussion about this issue; instead, the researcher just wanted to lead this conclusion into the phenomenon in which oneself heaved “The Impact of Subjective Religiosity” (or “People’s Belief”) in Modern Society. The meaning of upgrading “The Impact of Subjective Religiosity” was to make followers have their own ideal to interpret freedom in the frame of belonging church and beliefs. By the way, we could also discuss about “Rational Choice” in Religion.  The Church which this study chose was been commented to be more “Conservative” and “Conscientious” sect in “The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.” It stuck on the religious doctrines and beliefs and regarded “Bible” as the only norm. As for the religious practice, it focused on the mission of returning to “The Early Church.” So, the followers’ characteristics, such as “Nimble and Freedom”, “Flexible”, and “Personal God-Fearing” would be stand out toward “Conservative” characters of religious groups. Although these were just “Limited Freedom” and “Limited Elasticity”, the meaning of upgrades of “The Impact of Subjective Religiosity” and “The Process of Followers’ Rational Selection” could be seen all too clear.


Jorgensen, Danny L.著,王昭正�朱瑞淵譯
Judd, Charles M.著,黃銘惇譯
Schluchter, W.著,顧忠華譯


