  • 學位論文


A Study on Axial Feeding Process in Tube-Hydroforming

指導教授 : 陳復國


管件液壓成形技術在汽車產業中對於改善結構的輕量化以及高強度有著良好效果。本論文首先針對管件液壓成形道次中的側推過程進行研究,接著針對前副車架縱樑進行管件液壓成形技術之探討。 本論文首先建立側推過程之分析流程與分析參數,並針對油封幾何參數、製程參數進行探討,了解各參數對油封受力之影響程度,接著使用田口法進行最佳化分析,最終得到最佳化油封之設計。在可側推區域之研究方面,則針對幾何參數及製程參數對側推區域做影響性分析,並將模擬結果加以整理,本論文將提供不同幾何及製程參數下可側推區域的判斷,未來可套用在實際載具上,進行快速的初步成形性分析評估。 本論文另針對前副車架縱樑之管件液壓成形道次進行分析探討。首先藉由截面分析及載具資訊搭配可側推區域的判斷作初步的可行性分析。在彎管成形道次中,使用與現場相同之芯棒進行彎管分析,使模擬和現實吻合;在預成形道次中,修改預成形模面使管材順利擠入模穴,並在後續道次有較好之成形性;而在液壓成形道次中,則透過文獻設計初始負載路徑,接著以該載具於液壓成形階段易發生問題處,設計不同負載路徑來進行較佳化之分析以降低該問題處之減薄率,最終提供可行之負載路徑供此載具使用。本研究之成果,將可提供開發管件液壓成形前副車架縱樑之參考。


In automotive industry, the tube-hydroforming technique has an highly effect on improving lightweight and high strength for car body structure. This study begins with the research of feeding process in the tube-hydroforming technique. Then, it focuses on the analysis of applying the tube-hydroforming technique to the front sub-frame trailing arm. This thesis first demonstrates the analysis procedures and analysis parameters in feeding process. By analyzing the seal geometry parameters and process parameters, the results of seal forces taken in different parameters are examined. Besides, an optimum seal design is established with the use of the Taguchi Method. As for available pushover area, an influence analysis is used to investigate the geometry parameters and the process parameters. This thesis presents various geometry and process parameters of available pushover area. In the future, the result can be applied to the preliminary forming analysis. In addition, this thesis dwells on the tube-hydroforming applied to a front sub-frame trailing arm. First, the initial feasibility analysis is determined by combining section analysis and vehicle information with the analysis of the available feeding area. Then, in order to conform the modelling to the real situation, using the same mandrel as the one used in reality is necessary during the tube bending process. As for pre-forming process, modifying the pre-forming modelling makes the tubular product fit in with the cavity model. Also, it helps form the better pre-forming quality for the following processes. In the tube-hydroforming process, the initial loading path is first determined following the empirical formula published in references. After making use of the design to find the deficiency of the process, the different loading paths are necessary to be conducted in the optimization analysis for improving. Then, the available loading paths can be used into the case. The result of the study can be the reference of developing tube hydroforming for the front sub-frame trailing arm.


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