  • 學位論文


The Motivation Effect of Compensation and Bonuses —A Textiles Clothing Firm Case Study

指導教授 : 林世銘


本論文以紡織成衣業做為個案研究公司,人工成本佔成衣廠的營業收入之極大比例。個案公司成衣廠為激勵生產線員工,除了基本薪資之外,並給予加班津貼、全勤獎金、達標獎金、計件(工票)獎金…等等的津貼和獎金。 本研究先從蒐集個案公司成衣廠的薪資資料,藉由回顧管理學上與薪資有關之激勵理論為參考,研究中以Site(廠別)、Base(底薪)、OVER46(下午4到6點加班津貼)、OVER68(下午6到8點加班津貼)、TARGET(達標獎金)、BYITEM(計件工票獎金)六個自變數,Output為應變數,接著建立研究假說,再經由複迴歸分析,以瞭解各變項間的影響關係,來檢定個案公司各項獎金項目及加班津貼對激勵員工提高生產力之效果,最後提出結論與建議,以做為個案公司未來經營的參考。


激勵效果 紡織業 複迴歸分析 薪酬 獎金


In this case study of a textiles clothing firm, the labor costs account for a large percentage of operating revenue. In order to encourage production workers, in addition to the basic salary, the case company garment mill gives them overtime allowances, attendance bonus, target bonus, piece(work ticket) bonus and several other allowances and bonuses. In this study, we use SITE, BASE, OVER46, OVER68, TARGET and BYITEM as six independent variables, and use Output as the dependent variable. We collect the revenue and employees' detail data from 2014 to 2016 of two garment mills in Cambodia of the case company. Then, we use Multi-Regression model to investigate the case company's various bonuses and overtime allowances' incentive effect of improving productivity. The conclusion and suggestions raised by this study could provide the direction of improvement for the company to improve the operating performance.


一、 參考書籍
1. 任立中、周建亨、陳靜怡、周文賢,2012,統計學─管理者必備的修煉,前程文化事業有限公司。
2. 林建煌,2006,現代管理學,華泰文化,原著為Stephen P. Robbins and David A. DeCenzo合寫之Fundamentals of Managrment : Essential Concepts and Applications, 5th ed.
3. 彭昉,2007年12月,計時趕工的霸權體制:對華南一家加工出口台資廠的勞動體制研究,台灣社會學第14期,頁51-100。
4. 周菲,2005,管理心理學,北京清華大學出版。
