  • 學位論文


A Study of Prehisoric Patu-Shaped Artifacts in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳有貝


巴圖形器是台灣史前時代西海岸常見的一種磨製石器,其名稱來自紐西蘭一種總稱為patu的器物。由於其型制特殊,製作精細,以及與紐西蘭patu在外觀上相近,自日治時期以來就一直引起考古學者的注意,並就其功能和文化傳播的可能性作過許多討論,但除了可能是某種儀式性器物外,還沒有其他確切的共識和定論,對巴圖形器的認識也始終沒有突破。 本文可分為三個主要討論議題:一是適切的巴圖形器分類系統,在前人的研究基礎上,以認識和描述巴圖形器的型制,以及能用於探討功能和文化意義為目的,用長度、柄形和體形三種主要變數為巴圖形器製作了新的分類;二是巴圖形器的時空分布,在確立分類架構後,對不同類型的巴圖形器在時間和空間方面的分布模式進行整理,並結合類型資料,討論不同地區和史前文化中的巴圖形器型制異同處;三是巴圖形器的功能,以台南縣石橋遺址的巴圖形器為材料進行肉眼觀察和微痕分析,歸納出巴圖形器各個部位的表面痕跡及類型,增進對巴圖形器的認識,並可作為巴圖形器在製作、使用和再利用等方面研究的基礎資料,但由於沒有足夠的對比資料和實驗驗證,本文還無法對巴圖形器的功能和用途做出確切判斷。 最後對巴圖形器分類的問題、時空分布模式引發的問題,以及從微痕觀察所得的資料與相關問題進行討論,並希望本文的資料和討論能有助於回答「巴圖形器是什麼?」的問題,以及作為日後的石器分析相關研究的參考。


The patu-shaped artifact is a kind of ground stone tool which is common in prehistoric times on the west coast of Taiwan. Due to the resemblance in shape, its name came from Maori’s “patu” in New Zealand. For its fine production and the resemblance with Maori’s patu, the patu-shaped artifact captured the attention of scholars since Japanese coloinal period. The function of patu-shaped artifacts and the possible relationship with Maori’s patu have been two main research topics for nearly half a century. But except the possibility of being a ceremonial artifact, there has been no definitive consensus and conclusion. This article has three main topics for discussion. First, the proper classification of patu-shaped artifact. The purpose of the classification is to understand and describe the basic features, and to explore the functional and cultural significance of patu-shaped artifact. Second, the distribution of patu-shaped artifacts in time and space. After the classification is made, the author sorts out the distribution pattern of different types of patu-shaped artifacts in time and space in Taiwan. The third is the function of patu-shaped artifact. By using microscopic observation, and the patu-shaped artifact of the Shiqiao site as example, the author sorts out the different kinds of micro-wears on different parts of the surface of the patu-shaped artifact. The micro-wear material proposed in this article can be used to investigate the manufacture, use, and reuse of the patu-shaped artifact. But without replicate experimentation and enough comparative data, the author still can not point out the exact function of the patu-shaped artifact. At last, new questions about classification, distribution pattern, and micro-wear material of the patu-shaped artifact were discussed. The author also hopes this article would help to answer the quesiton of “What is a patu-shaped artifact?”.


1991 《圓山遺址中山三十三號道路試掘與評估》,台北市政府民政局委託,
Expedition. London: George Allen & Unwin LTD.
1991 Archaeological Typology and Practical Reality: A Dialectical Approach to
Andrefsky Jr., William
