  • 學位論文


Customer Concentration Analysis in Internet Database Marketing: An Empirical Study of DELL

指導教授 : 任立中


隨著網際網路的興起,電子商務也逐漸蓬勃發展。各零售業者無不爭相投資以對抗同業競爭者,許多製造商亦利用網站直接銷售商品,最典型的就是DELL電腦。而網際網路平台具有資訊豐富多樣、即時、快速、無時間限制、跨國界等特色,使電子商務的行銷相較於傳統通路,多了更多發展的新契機。 近年來,各個消費者之間的異質性逐漸被放大,為了滿足顧客不同的需求,企業急於找出成本低廉又能普遍滿足大眾需求的產品和服務,消費者相較於以往除了重是產品品質,更加重視企業所提供的服務,包括一連串與企業接觸的過程。顧客在整個流程中所感受到的服務品質,都將影響顧客的滿意度與忠誠度。因此,企業開始戰戰兢兢,希望找出最有價值的顧客,並給予這些顧客更好的服務和更符合其需求的產品,建立更良好的長期關係。 本研究以DELL電腦網站的網路資料庫為分析對象,計算該網站使用者網路搜尋行為與交易行為之各項變數的集中度,觀察該網站的使用者瀏覽網頁與網路交易行為的集中情形。接著計算使用者網路搜尋行為對應於其交易行為之集中度及集中度比值,探討該數值所代表之意義,推測網站使用者的網路瀏覽與交易型態。最後將所計算之結果統整,並歸結研究中所觀察出該網站使用者的樣貌及企業可藉此資訊發展的策略建議。 網路平台具有高度彈性,使電子商務網站能以更低廉的成本,提供個別消費者不同的網頁或專屬的商品推薦與折扣。本研究中集中度與集中度比值之計算方法,可供電子商務網站參考,觀察其使用者與主要顧客的網路行為,並依此資訊發展其他更深入的行銷研究,徹底了解其顧客之需求與消費習慣並加以分類、區隔。將使用者更精確地區隔後,便能提供消費者更適配的服務與產品,靈活運用網路平台的空間。


As the boom in internet, electronic commerce has flourished recently. Many retailers attempt to invest a lot in e-commerce to compete with their rivals. Some of the manufacturers even sell their products to customers via the internet directly. The typical instance is the well known company, DELL.com. Because of the attributes of internet, such as plenty capacity of information, simultaneous responses, high speed, no national boundaries, and no constraints on time, E-commerce becomes a more flexible way to sell goods. Businesses have concerned more about the heterogeneity of customers lately. To satisfy the different needs, corporations tried to find the way to serve most of the customers more efficiently. Therefore, the most important missions to the businesses are to find the most valuable customers and serve them well to meet their needs separately, and further, to maintain the good relationships with them. The thesis takes the DELL.com site as an example. By calculating the consumer concentrations of different variables, the study will display the structure of the customers. In addition, there will be modified concentration rates and ratios of concentration rates as well. According to the calculation, the characteristics of consumer behavior will be revealed. Finally, there will be some strategic advice at the end.


database marketing concentration GINI DELL


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陳威中(2014)。應用馬可夫鏈於社群網站使用者黏著度之分析 -以Youtube為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.10417
