  • 學位論文

所得分配、家庭社經特質與家庭消費行為— 臺灣核心家庭消費之實證分析

Income Distribution, Familial Socioeconomic Status and Household Consumption Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of Taiwanese Nuclear Family

指導教授 : 張宏浩


台灣家庭所得分配不均度自1980年以後逐年呈現惡化的趨勢,而造成家庭所得分配惡化的主因之一為家庭結構逐漸轉變為以核心家庭為主。早期對於台灣所得分配不均現象的研究多著墨在所得不均度的分解及探討所得不均擴大的因素,鮮少文獻討論到所得分配趨於不均情況之下如何影響家戶消費行為與整體最終消費支出的變化,故本文主要研究目的在於探討在所得不均程度差異較大之核心家庭最終平均消費支出是否與所得不均程度差異較小之核心家庭有明顯之差異,並探討家庭社經特質對於家戶消費行為的影響。   本研究實證資料為行政院主計處所提供「95年臺灣地區家庭收支訪問調查」 ,原始資料樣本為13,776戶,扣除非核心家庭後最終樣本數為6,063戶。對於核心家庭平均消費支出最常使用最小平方法與Tobit模型,但估計結果僅提供平均數的分析,無法解釋極端消費家庭的消費行為,因此本文除了使用上述兩種估計模型外,並加入分量迴歸模型,對不同消費分量下之核心家庭提供不同的解釋。實證結果發現核心家庭在食品消費、酒精飲料消費與旅遊消費,在所得不均程度差異較大時核心家庭平均消費支出會增加;此外由分量迴歸模型也發現上述三項商品,所得不均度對於高消費分量家庭幾乎都呈現正向顯著效果,表示所得不均差異程度較大的情況下,會誘使高消費家庭增加更多的消費支出。


Income inequality of household in Taiwan has been growing since 1980 and risen over years. One of the main causes of increasing inequality is due to the change of family structure into nuclear family. Past research had paid attention on the decomposition of income inequality in Taiwan, while few studies had discussed the extent to which increasing income inequality may affect household consumption behavior. Therefore, this study attempts to investigate the distinction between high and low inequality areas in the final average expenditure of nuclear households, and also to analyze how the social-economic characteristics influence household consumption. This study utilized the Survey of family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan in 2006. The initial data is 13,776 households, and the final sample is 6063, distinguishing nuclear household from the others. OLS and Tobit model are commonly employed when it comes to the average consumption of nuclear households. However, these two models only show the analysis on average, and fail to explain the distributional effect. As an alternative, this study estimate a quantile regression model to analyze the effects of exogenous variables on the distribution of the household consumptions. Results show that household average expenditure in high inequality area are greater than in the low inequality for food expenditure, alcohol drink expenditure, and travel expenditure. That is, these three consumption expenditures increase significantly in high income household of the high inequality area. In addition, these three consumption expenditures have positive effects at high quantiles, indicating that the expenditure will increase in the high consumption household of high inequality area.


Tsai, S. L. and C. M. Kuan, 2004. “A Quantile Regression Analysis in Family Income Determination with Mating Effects,” Working Paper. Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica.
林金源,1997。「家庭結構變化對臺灣所得分配及經濟福利分配的影響」,『人文 及社會科學集刊』。9卷,4期,39-63。


