  • 學位論文

分而不離:Dorothy Solinger如何研究中國的國家與社會

Apart but Not Away: Dorothy Solinger’s Evolving Views on China’s State and Society

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本文透過訪問Dorothy Solinger與分析她的著作,詮釋她的中國觀,特別是她對中國的國家與社會關係認識。近代美國研究中國國家與社會關係的學者往往爭論中國是否存在市民社會(Civil Society)的議題,其爭論的背後隱含國家與社會必然二分對立的兩種論調,如Gabriel Almond & Sidney Verba公民文化(Civic Culture)與David Easton政治系統論(Political System)的社會中心論;或如Theda Skocpol「把國家找回來」(Bringing The State Back In)的國家中心論。然而,本文主張Solinger跳脫這樣的論述框架,她的中國政治邏輯是國家與社會為共生關係,其近似於Peter Evans「鑲嵌自主性」(Embedded Autonomy)與Joel Migdal「國家在社會之中」(State In Society)的論點。 從她研究1949年西南政治整合、商業政策三條路線鬥爭、1979年產業政策調整與經濟改革,至九零年代研究流動人口、下崗職工與貧窮議題,本文發現她的研究視角從國家轉為社會。在她眼裡,國家是一個分裂的機構,其緊密鑲嵌於社會之中。她的社會觀念則可能由於她自身的階級意識,以及經常在武漢進行田野調查而產生對底層階級的同情,使她的社會觀念與Evans和Migdal的社會觀念不同,她特別強調社會階級(class)。隨著市場開放與全球化,她認為國家主導社會轉變為階層化(stratified),國家極力擺脫底層社會,與上層的富裕階級共生。結果是中國在短期之內不會民主化,也因為中國自身存在其特色與邏輯,更不會走向西方預設的民主化路徑。


According to Dorothy Solinger’s interview and her books, this paper interprets her image of China, especially her idea of state and society. Contemporary American scholars on Chinese state and society intend to discuss the possibilities that civil society exists in China, which implies defining state and society against each other. Society-centered as Gabriel Almond & Sidney Verba’s “Civic Culture” and David Easton’s “Political System”, or state-centered as Theda Skocpol’s calling for “Bringing the State Back in” are examples. This paper argues Solinger avoids presumptions above. In her views, state and society are symbiotic, which is similar to Peter Evans’ “Embedded Autonomy” and Joel Migdal’s “State in Society”. From her studies on southwest political integration and three-line struggles in business socialism in pre-1979, industrial readjustment and transition from socialism in early 80s, and floating population, workers and poverty under globalization and marketization in 90s, she shows her views move from state to society. For her, state is divided into pieces and embedded in society. And probably because of her own class-consciousness and her experiences in Wuhan, she conceives society as classes and cares the bottom class the most, which make her perception of society is different from Evans’ and Migdal’s. Owing to openness and globalization, the state is stratifying society by getting rid of the bottom class and allying with upper class. She concludes that China is not democratizing so far and because China has its own characteristic that China has its own path distinct from western logic.


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Goldman, Merle. 1992. “The Intellectuals in the Deng Xiaoping Era.” In State and Society in China, ed., Arthur Lewis Rosenbaum. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 193-218.
----------------------2006b. “Interviewing Chinese People: From High-Level Officials to the Unemployed.” In Doing Fieldwork in China, eds. Maria Heimer and Stig Thogersen. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 153-67.
----------------------2008b. “Business Groups: For or Against the Regime.” In Political Change in China: Comparisons with Taiwan, eds. Bruce Gilley and Larry Diamond. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 94-114.


鍾賢玉(2016)。中國是否會民主化? 美國學界三派之論爭〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201603847
