  • 學位論文


Writing Chineseness by Chinese-Indonesian: Four Individualized Tracks of Intellectual History

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本研究使用後華性的概念,歸納不同背景的印尼華人如何認識自己的身分,瞭解他們的思維和對中國的看法。後華性的分析框架在追蹤印尼華人作家在面對自己的身分時,注重行為者選擇何種身分與目的,並使用文化資源。後華性的框架下所設想的問題首先是:對身為印尼國民的華人來說,「中國」是祖國,還是「外國」?實證上相應的研究議程是,當代史上經過幾次暴動的華人,如何認同和觀看中國?經過幾次暴動,華人又如何認同和觀看中國? 針對此問題,本文訪談四位印尼華裔作家,並結合文獻研究法,分析他們的身分認同和對中國的認識。在論文的每一個章節會深入分析許天堂(Benny Gatot Setionon)、湯友蘭(Thung Ju Lan)、鄺耀章(Sunardi Mulia)和賴裕民(Hendry Jurnawan)的背景、經歷和華人之間的身分識別。根據華裔作家對中國的認同,以及使用中華文化的使用方式,可以歸納出這四位作家分別展現出四種後華性:湯友蘭與許天堂的國族認同是印尼人,但他們也認同自己是屬於土生華人的內涵,而鄺耀章與賴裕民同時認同自己的印尼人與擁有中華文化的華人身份和文化,賴裕民甚至運用中華文化作為與崛起中國再連結的資源。 「後華性」概念反映了當地華人再連結中國的多元情況與實踐,即使擁有不同文化的記憶,卻因持續使用相同的文化資源,而確保了華人彼此間,與對中國的理解和情感。以後華性的概念來分析、歸納印尼華人之間的不同,與對中國的論述,可以整合並比較印尼華人之間對中國的各種看法,並進一步擴大與各地華人的比較。這樣分殊化的華人身分,能夠降低但又意識到華人在印尼對國家經濟的重要性,後華性適切地說明了印尼政府持續進行「同化政策」的可行性程度,多樣性的華人身分有助於多數華人都能有效成為印尼國族的一份子。


This dissertation adopts the concept of post-Chineseness to explain how Chinese-Indonesian from different backgrounds understand their thoughts and their views on China, and to clarify how Chinese-Indonesian writers utilize their cultural resources to practice their identities. According the concept of post-Chineseness, the main question is whether China is an ”motherland” or a "foreign country" for Chinese-Indonesian analytically. Empirically speaking, how do Chinese-Indonesian identify themselves and view China after several riots in Indonesia? To answer the research questions, this article analyzes the literature and oral histories of four Chinese-Indonesian writers individually for their identities and understanding of China. Each chapter offers an in-depth study of four Chinese-Indonesian writers, Benny Gatot Setiono, Thung Ju Lan, Sunardi Mulia and Hendry Jurnawan respectively about their background, experience and identification among themselves as Chinese. According to the analytical framework of post-Chineseness, these four writers can be divided by two aspects: one is to discuss China outside/inside China, and the other is to utilize Chinese culture as identity/social resources. The four Chinese-Indonesian writers have exemplified four different forms of post-Chineseness. The concept of post-Chineseness reflects how local Chinese reconnect to China and its multiple practices. The continuous usage of the same cultural resources ensures mutual understanding between China and overseas Chinese descendant even though everyone owns different cultural memories. The conclusion of this dissertation is that the post-Chineseness can analyze and explain the differences among Chinese-Indonesians and their various views on China systematically which also apply to other overseas Chinese. Such differentiated Chinese-Indonesian identies have reduced the solidarity of Chinese-Indonesian as an ethic minority but affirmed the economic contribution of Chinese-Indonesian to Indonisia. The idea of post-Chinese properly explain the effects of the assimilation program of Indonesian government which have diversified the Chinese-Indonesian identities making Chinese-Indonesian as an integral part of Indonesia.


中文 (Chinese)
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