  • 學位論文


Study in Normal Healthy Body Ratio, the Clinical Value of Lymph Diluted Blood in Mauremys mutica

指導教授 : 季昭華


柴棺龜為台灣四種原生龜種之一,因諸多因素導致柴棺龜族群大量減少,但在保育意識日漸抬頭的同時,國內外對此物種的血液學方面研究卻付之闕如,此研究之目的在建立柴棺龜的基本血液參考值,並對於臨床上龜類抽血常遇到的問題-淋巴液稀釋對於血液生化值之影響來進行探討,以期對於往後的野外調查以及保育醫學方面能夠有所裨益。 本實驗分為三個部份,分別就健康柴棺龜體態參數的建立、血液樣本的分析及影響參考值的外在因素來加以探討。體態健康參數以36隻柴棺龜作為觀測對象,並以傑克森比例 ( Jackson’s Ratio )、體重/背甲長的對數迴歸方程式兩種方式進行。在血液樣本的分析實驗中,同樣的36隻成年柴棺龜為實驗對象,其中雄龜9隻、雌龜27隻,分別於98年6月、9月、99年1月、4月進行背甲下靜脈腔 ( Subcarapacial venous sinus )採血,及99年4月進行頸靜脈採血,分別依敍述統計、去除極端值、確定為常態分布的方式分析血樣,建立參考值。之後以複因子重複量數變異數分析的方式 ( P<0.05 ),分析性別、採血位置、季節分別對血液學及血清生化學的影響及三者間的交互作用。結果顯示,在雌雄龜之間,鈣、膽固醇、血糖、三酸甘油脂有明顯差異;季節方面,除了異嗜球、淋巴球比例、鈣、尿酸、膽固醇、總蛋白無差異外,其餘均有差異;而抽血位置上,血液值均無差異;但生化值除氨基丙酸氨酶、血中尿素氮、肌胺酸酐外,頸靜脈採血所得到的值均顯著大於背甲下靜脈竇所得數值。此研究將有助於未來在臨床上針對此物種之臨床工作,並針對不同季節、性別、採血位置所得的血檢值進行判讀。造成性別和季節間差異的原因主要和產卵及度冬有關;而採血位置的差異上,本研究發現在有限制的稀釋比例下,即使淋巴液稀釋血液之比例不同,樣本仍會有固定範圍的檢出值,且這樣的樣本仍有標示及預測柴棺龜的生理活動及酵素活性之能力,所以認為背甲下靜脈竇採血之樣本仍具有臨床價值,且進一步研究建立受淋巴液稀釋之血樣的血清生化參考值,將提供臨床操作上另一個可靠的選擇,以應用於其他爬蟲類動物之臨床或研究工作。


Mauremys mutica is one of four native turtle species in Taiwan. However, the populations are decreasing due to multiple reasons. Luckily, there are more and more conservative activities concerning about them. But, at the mean time, there is little study about their basic hematological and biochemical reference. The aim of this study is to establish the basic hematological and biochemical values of Mauremys mutica. Also, we discuss the clinical values of blood-lymph mixture sample. This problem is commonly encountered in reptilian medicine. Hope these data will be beneficial to field work and conservative medicine on this species. This study could be divided into three parts: 1. study in normal healthy body ratio, 2. analysis of blood samples, 3. the effect of environmental factors on the blood values. In the study of healthy body ratio, 36 turtles were used to establish Jackson’s ratio, the equation of logarithm body weight regressed against logarithm carapace length. In the second and third part of study, 36 turtles, 9 males and 27 females were taken blood from sub-carapacial sinus at 2009/6, 2009/9, 2010/1, and 2010/4, and a additional blood samples were taken from jugular vein at 2010/4. Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance for significant ( P<0.05) variation of the basis of sex, seasons, sites of blood were obtained and interaction between them. Significant sex differences were observed for Calcium, Glucose, Cholesterol and Triglyceride. Marked seasonal variation was noted in most parameters except the ratio of heterophil, lymphocyte, calcium, uric acid, cholesterol and total protein. On site differences, in addition to ALT, creatinine and BUN, values obtained from jugular vein were significant higher than those obtained from sub-carapacial sinus. And the lymph-blood mixture can still present season variation and physiological changes in Mauremys mutica. This study offer clinicians another possible option when we are talking about blood sampling in chelonians. These data may attribute to the conservation and clinical work about Mauremys mutica.


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