  • 學位論文


Assessment of Agricultural Water Footprint in Taiwan – A Case Study of Rice Production

指導教授 : 張尊國


近年來全球氣候變化更趨劇烈,加劇水資源供應不穩性。在此趨勢下,用水資訊的揭露成為更重要的科學性議題,水足跡(water footprint)做為一種水資源消耗的衡量指標可衡量人類使用地表水與地下水之情形,亦能探討農業生產中土壤水分的利用與生產過程中灌溉與排放污染對水資源及環境造成的影響,反映人類對水資源之需求及使用。有鑑於水稻生產向來是臺灣地區水資源使用量最龐大之單項產品,稻米亦為臺灣人民的消費主食,且臺灣農田水利灌溉事業發達,灌溉用水資料記錄完整,故本研究以水足跡做為衡量指標,估算臺灣稻作生產水足跡,並據以探討臺灣各期作、各區域稻作生產水資源使用量之差異。農作物水足跡可由三個部分組成:綠色(植物生長利用之有效雨量)、藍色(灌溉用水)與灰色(肥料施用所涉及之水污染稀釋量),將綠色、藍色及灰色水足跡加總即為水足跡。 本研究計算1980 至2009 年間臺灣地區平均生產1 公噸稻穀之水足跡為5938 m3,其中藍色水足跡為4784 m3/ton 佔80.6 %,為水稻生產之主要用水,其次為綠色水足跡904 m3/ton 佔15.2 %,灰色水足跡則是251 m3/ton 佔4.2%。若以期作別來看,一期稻水足跡為4754 m3/ton,二期稻水足跡為7122 m3/ton,主要受生長期間氣候、產量及休耕因素影響;另外以區域別來看,則是南部水稻水足跡4139 m3/ton 最小,北部水稻水足跡為17302 m3/ton 最大,可提供農政與水資源管理之參考。 近年水足跡的觀念與做法日臻成熟,水足跡有助於了解水資源在時間和空間上的分配及調度、水資源利用的類型(藍水或綠水)及水環境所受到的衝擊(灰水),有利於提升水資源使用效率,提供大眾透明的用水資訊,以及供政府規劃國家水資源調配政策之參考。


水足跡 水稻 灌溉用水


Water supply has become more and more unstable owing to the severe global climate change. As the result, water resource and management are the most important issues nowadays. Water footprint is regarded as an indicator of consumptive water use and could also reflect the impacts caused by pollution emission from irrigation process. Moreover, this indicator could demonstrate water requirement. For crops, the water footprint is calculated within entire growth period and consists of three components: the blue water footprint (consumptive use of irrigation water), the green water footprint (consumptive use of rainwater stored in soil) and the grey water footprint (volume of polluted water associated with the application of fertilizers). Since rice production has always been the major consumption of irrigation water in Taiwan, this study estimated the amount required for rice production and discussed the water footprint difference among different crop seasons and regions. The water footprint from producing 1 ton of rice in Taiwan from 1980 to 2009 is about 5938 m3 with 4784 m3/ton (80.6%) of blue water footprint, 904 m3/ton (15.2%) of green water footprint, and 251 m3/ton (4.2%) of grey water footprint. To see the difference among different crop seasons, the water footprint for the first crop season is 4754 m3/ton, and the water footprint for the second crop season is 7122 m3/ton. The inconsistence is majorly caused by the weather, production rate, and fallow during the growth of crops. For regional water footprint, the southern region has the less water footprint (4139 m3/ton) and the northern region has the highest water footprint (7302 m3/ton). The result above could offer useful information for agriculture policy and water resource management. Water footprint is able to offer information about the temporal and spatial allocation of water resource and then improve the water consumption efficiency. With the public and accessible water supply data, the government could conduct better management and could determine more integral policies.


water footprint rice irrigation.


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