  • 學位論文


Deterioration Diagnosis of the Thirteen-ditches Tile Using Tap Tone Method and Discriminant Analysis

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


在臺灣常選用磁磚作為外牆裝飾材料。磁磚有增加隔熱性及防水性、美化建築物與保護內部結構的功能,不過會受到時間與環境因素產生劣化。十三溝面磚是臺灣大學獨有的外牆裝飾材料,校內建築物外牆已有程度不一的劣化產生,其中磁磚掉落的案例不在少數,影響到了校園內財物與師生的安全。   施作外牆全面更新成本高昂且工期長,施工期間會有噪音、汙染與廢棄物等問題。因此在確定施作前需對外牆進行健檢,評估外牆劣化程度再決定採取的補強對策。外牆的檢測方法眾多,而打音法有精度高、設備費用要求低、容易操作等優點。不過此方法需要有經驗的操作人員主觀判斷,可能因為操作人員的不同造成結果有差異;且打音法是相對比較而判斷,相同劣化程度的磁磚在不同環境下可能判斷的結果不同,顯示打音法具有無法統一量化劣化標準且難以記錄等缺點。   本研究期望透過量化音訊來設立劣化標準,使用固定敲擊力道及固定收音距離裝置敲擊外牆,並使用指向性電容麥克風收取音訊。本研究選用了四棟經過二十年以上自然劣化的實體建築物作為案例,探討打音法在實務上的應用。音訊經過前處理過後,使用MATLAB利用快速傅立葉變化撰寫程式獲取音訊特徵值:最高峰值與標準化後頻譜面積。   本研究使用判別分析法,將最高峰值及標準化後頻譜面積作為判斷變數,得到一線性判別函數。成功量化音訊,並設立劣化判斷標準,解決打音法主觀判斷及難以記錄、比較的缺點。期望本研究成果可作為臺灣大學未來檢測外牆劣化之參考。


In Taiwan, the ceramic tile is widely used for decorating material on buildings in Taiwan. It has the functions of insulation, protecting internal structures and beautifying buildings. However, the ceramic tile will deteriorate because of time passing and natural factors. And may cause the tiles scaling off to affect the public safety.   Comprehensively repairing external walls cost high and the construction duration is long, so it’s necessary to diagnose external wall before repairing. In the methods of diagnosing external wall, tap tone method has higher accuracy and the equipment is cheaper and easy to operate. Nevertheless, the testing result has no consistency by reason of the subjective judgement of the operator, and hard to quantify and record. Therefore, the research expect to find a way to quantify the audio collected by the tap tone method. It use an instrument which can produce consistent impact and sound receiving distance. Then using MATLAB to do FFT and calculate the two feature values of the audio, the peak value and the area of spectrum after standardization.   The research choose 4 building which using thirteen-ditches tile as the decorating material and have deteriorated for over 20 years. After doing the field experiment and collecting the audios, using the peak value and the area of spectrum after standardization as the variable of discriminant analysis. Through the analysis, the research receive a discriminant function of deterioration diagnosis for the thirteen-ditches tile. By doing so, the audio can be quantify and record. And the follow operator put the variable into the function and will diagnose the tile deteriorated or not.


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