  • 學位論文


Hui’an Women in Construction: The Discipline and Liberation of Hui’an Women’s Bodies in Great Leap Forward

指導教授 : 張聖琳


「工程惠安女」的形象塑造,是大躍進時期中國共產黨進行社會主義經濟建設和意識形態控制的雙重結果,創造了以婦女為勞動主體的大型水庫建設歷史。將身體與工程連結,實質上是將身體與工程背後的許多結構力量——國家政治、地方社會、家庭習俗——相連結。因此,本研究提出「工程惠安女」的概念,選擇水庫工程的微觀空間尺度,通過口述歷史資料,呈現婦女與國家的互動關係,探討惠安女身體的規訓與解放。本研究以身體作為研究切入點,將身體從隱而不顯的狀態,變為權力控制和對抗的對象。 研究發現:首先,惠安女成為水庫工程建設主力軍,是國家「婦女半邊天」的政治環境以及惠安「十年九旱」的自然現實、「男工女耕」的社會性別分工傳統多重疊加作用的結果。其次,在規訓的層次,國家權力通過動員、競賽、強制的規訓方式,將婦女身體轉化為可調配的公共勞動資源,進而建立「中共領導下的婦女身體的領導權」。然而,這個過程中女性男性化、階級化的婦女解放模式忽略了生理性別的差異,導致了婦女飢餓、斷經、傷亡的身體現實。最後,回到解放的層次,惠安婦女身上表現出來的「強制之壓抑」與「自願之喜悅」的疊加,即強制性規訓導致的反抗與自願的規訓轉化的交錯,是這場運動中「工程惠安女」身體解放的雙重張力。 一個帶著生產性與意識形態的「工程惠安女」身體,在工程場域的權力行使中浮現。國家關切的是「工程」的「婦女」特性,以此來完成惠安婦女身體的國家符號轉換——全國婦女解放代表。然而,這個國家整合婦女、規訓婦女的過程背後,隱匿的是「婦女」的「工程」特性,婦女身體差異被忽略,在工程中被過度使用,是這場身體悲劇的真正來源。身體與思想塑造、身份地位改變、生命傳承干擾,工程在惠安婦女身體烙上痕跡,成為「工程鐫刻」。


The image of “Hui’an Women in Construction” was formed as the result of CPC’s socialist economic construction and ideological control on the people during the Great Leap Forward. Behind such image building process was the history of Hui’an women’s participation as the major labor in the construction of a big reservoir. Linking bodies with construction, in fact, is linking bodies with the structural forces represented by construction, including national politics, the local society and the family conventions. Therefore, based on oral historical data, this research, choosing a micro space size, i.e. the reservoir project, proposed the concept of “Hui’an Women in Construction” to demonstrate the interactive relation between women and state, and discuss the discipline and liberation of Hui’an women’s bodies. Adopting “bodies” as the starting point, this research rediscovers the meaning of bodies, which was originally overlooked, to show that bodies are also the subject of power control and power confrontation. It is discovered, firstly, that Hui’an women became the major force in the construction of the reservoir, was the outcome of various influences combined together, for example, the influence of the political environment that publicized the belief “women can hold up half the sky” (quoted from Mao Zedong, meaning that women are as capable as men in building the country); of the natural reality of Hui’an - nine years out of ten, this place has drought; and of the traditional “men to work while women to farm” gender division of labor. Secondly, in terms of discipline, the state power transformed women’s bodies into deployable public labor resources through mobilization, competition, and forced discipline, to establish the “leadership of CPC in women’s bodies”. However, this kind of masculinized and proletarized liberation of women neglected the physical difference between men and women, resulting in the bodily reality of starvation, amenorrhea, injuries and death. Lastly, back to the dimension of liberation, it is found that in this movement there was the tension between the “forced repression” and “willing pleasure” of those “Hui’an Women in Construction”. In other words, the convergence of the resistance resulted from the forced discipline, and their voluntary discipline, formed the tension during the liberation process. A concept of bodies of Hui’an women in construction that has the nature of production and carries socialist ideology thus emerged from the exertion of power in the field of construction. The state emphasized the female features of the construction to transform the Hui’an women’s bodies into a national symbol – the example of all Chinese women’s liberation. However, behind this process of organizing female forces and forcing discipline by the state, the unique features of women’s participation in construction projects were overlooked. That physical difference was neglected and the fact that their bodies were overused constitute the real causes of this tragedy. Shaping of bodies and minds, change of social status, and interference in reproduction, these were what had been left on Hui’an women’s bodies, becoming the “engraving of construction”.


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