  • 學位論文


The Cross-strait Development of Ride-hailing Platform in the Sharing Economy-Case Studies of Uber (Taiwan) and Didi Chuxing

指導教授 : 謝德宗


2008年爆發金融海嘯後,全球金融秩序與經濟型態進入前所未有局面,互聯網資訊技術快速發展,創造共享經濟迅速發展的好利基。近幾年共享經濟發展可謂一枝獨秀,共享風潮席捲各類產業無一倖免。凡事有利就有弊,對於共享經濟的新型態經濟行為,衍伸負面問題也陸續出現,如安全管理、行業監管、消費紛爭、納管繳稅及保險等問題,已經成為各國政府所要克服之難題。 共享經濟蓬勃發展,當中又以共享交通影響範圍最廣、也是最徹底貫徹共享經濟精神之領域。共享交通是基於整體市場龐大存量存在而發展,將社會多數處於閒置狀態之司機、車輛、停車位等資源重新利用,有效改善並提升閒置資源之再利用性,改變消費者使用交通運輸工具方式,形塑截然不同之交通運輸模式。 本文希望透過研究共享經濟在兩岸發展之現況,以兩岸網路叫車平台具代表性之台灣Uber及大陸滴滴出行為例,比較兩岸政府在創新產業處理態度,探討網路叫車平台在台灣發展顯得窒礙難行,卻在中國大陸市場大放異彩之原因,作為政府日後管理以互聯網為基礎之新興商業模式時,更能理解與掌握其本質以發揮社會總體最大經濟效益。


Since financial tsunami broke out in 2008, global financial order and economic pattern has entered the unprecedented situation. Together with the fast development of internet information technology, it creates the good foundation of the sharing economy. The development of the sharing economy in recent years is outshining, and the sharing trend has swept all kinds of industries. Everything has its pros and cons, for such a new type of economic behavior in the sharing economy, negative problems have also emerged one after another, such as safety management, industry regulation, consumer disputes, tax collection and insurance, all have become difficult problems for governments to overcome in the new economic model. The sharing economy is booming, among which sharing transportation has the widest impact and thorough implementation of the spirit of sharing economy. Sharing transportation is developed based on the huge stock of the whole market, to reuse the resources of drivers, vehicles, parking spaces, etc., which are mostly idle in the society. Effectively improve and enhance the reuse of idle resources, change the way consumers use transportation vehicles, and shape the different mode of transportation. This paper hopes to study the status of the development of the sharing economy in the cross-strait with the representative of ride-hailing platform as Uber (Taiwan) and Didi Chuxing. By comparing cross-strait government's attitude towards innovative industries, to explore the reason that ride-hailing platform stumbles in Taiwan, but shines in the Chinese market. On the basis, the government manages internet-based emerging business model in the future, could be able to understand and grasp its essence in order to maximize the whole socio-economic benefits.


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