  • 學位論文


The Study of Competition Strategy of International Air Cargo Carriers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃崇興


全球經濟的發展、自由貿易的推廣、科技的進步促進電子消費產品的創新和需求的高度成長等等因素,使全球貿易維持增長,特別是亞洲地區對其它地區的貨物輸出。根據波音公司的統計,自1980年到2012年全球空運量是以平均每年5.3% 的速率增長,波音公司並預估未來的20年,仍將維持平均每年5.3%的成長速率,到2031年時,國際航空貨運量將接近目前貨運量的兩倍以上。 台灣最大的兩家航空公司華航和長榮航空,連續多年位居全球前十大貨運航空公司之列,但隨著整個國際航空運輸競爭情勢的轉變,燃油成本高漲且居高不下、平均單位收益下滑、空運需求不振、運能供給的成長超過需求成長導致嚴重供過於求的激烈競爭下,兩家航空公司貨運營運已連續多年產生嚴重的虧損。 由於航權的限制和高進入門檻,全球航空貨運業,在各個航線上提供服務的家數有限,屬於寡占市場,在這樣寡占的競爭下,全球的主要航空貨運公司卻無法獲利,甚至產生巨額虧損。 本研究除了對全球航空貨運產業現況和未來的發展趨勢進行分析,並以華航為例,運用五力分析、系統思考等相關理論及分析工具所獲致的結論,對台灣地區國際航空貨運公司在激烈市場競爭環境中,如何尋求有效改善營運狀況之經營競爭策略提出建議。


Because of global economic development, the promotion of free trade, the advancement of technology to promote high-growth consumer electronics innovation and demands, and other factors, the global trade continues to grow, especially in Asia export goods to other regions. According to Boeing's statistics, from year 1980 to 2012 the global air cargo traffic was growing at a rate of 5.3% per year, and Boeing forecasted the world air cargo traffic will more than double over the next 20 years, compared to 2011 levels, for an average 5.3% annual growth rate. Taiwan's two largest airlines, China Airlines and EVA Air, for many years ranked among the world's top ten air cargo carriers, but with the change in the international situation in the air transport competition, rising fuel costs staying at the high, declining average yield, sluggish air cargo demands, the growth of supply exceeding demand’s growth led to a serious oversupply and intense competition, these two airlines cargo operations reported huge amount of losses in the past several years. Air cargo industry is an Oligopoly market. Due to traffic right restrictions and high entry barriers, the number of service providers on each route is limited in the global air cargo industry. But in this oligopolistic competition, all the world's major air cargo carriers could not make profit, and even worse, huge losses reported repeatedly. In this study, the current status of the global and Taiwan local air cargo industry and future trends are analyzed, and a case study of China Airlines using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis and Systems Thinking model is conducted. Based on the findings and conclusions of these analysis, this study proposed competition strategies of international air cargo carriers in Taiwan.


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