

摘 要   金屬射出成形適合製作形狀複雜的零件,與傳統鋼鐵冶金產品相比,有其一定的競爭優勢。然而粉末冶金產品的機械性質使其在應用上也有一些限制。因此本研究嘗試以MPIF-4605成分為基礎再添加錳、銅等元素,期找出適當的合金元素添加量,獲得最佳的機械性能。   本實驗以羰基鐵粉為基礎粉,添加合金元素粉,再加上7wt %黏結劑,經充分混煉後,以金屬射出成形法製作成試片,試片經脫脂後,置於真空爐中進行燒結。   結果顯示,添加0.25 wt %Cu 之合金系統的燒結體,其機械性質最佳,硬度約45.1HRC,抗拉強度約1960MPa,伸長率約3.15%,相對密度約95.7%。而為破壞鎳粉刺蝟狀外觀、減少鉬聚集現象的發生、增加合金元素均勻地混合,以達更佳之機械性能,球磨之粉末前處理是必須的。


Abstract   Metal Injection Molding (MIM) process is a new technology suitable for the fabrication of small parts with complex shapes. But , few materials systems have been specifically developed for MIM. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop new alloys by adding different alloy elements.   This study used carbonyl iron powder as the base powder. The elemental powder additives include Ni, Cr, Mo, Cu and Mn. The admixed powder was kneaded with 7wt% binder. The feedstock was injection molded, solvent debound in heptane, and then thermally debound at 650℃, and then sintered in vacuum.   The results show that the best properties were attained after adding 0.25wt% Cu. The tensile strength is 1960MPa and elongation is about 3.15%. Due to the agglomeration of molybdenum, spiky shape of nickel, ball milling process was found to be helpful in attaining high and uniform mechanical properties.


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[3] B.C. Mutsuddy and R. Ford, Ceramic Injection Molding, New York,
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[4] T.A. Tomlin, “Metal Injection Molding : Medical Applications,” The
International of Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 2000, Vol. 36, No. 3,
