  • 學位論文


The Education Policy-Making Process in Taiwan under Japanese Rule-The First Education Rescript of 1919

指導教授 : 曾建元
共同指導教授 : 邱榮舉


本論文藉由1919年第一次《臺灣教育令》政策制定過程,試圖瞭解日治時期臺灣教育政策之決策機制。以公共政策階段論之觀點分析制定過程,包含問題認定、政策規劃以及政策合法化,並觀察日本中央政府與臺灣總督府的互動關係。 統治初期,日本採取漸進主義,順應現實需要制定機動性高且彈性的「無方針主義」,然隨辛亥革命的發生及推動理蕃政策等因素,縱使總督府不願在殖民地培育知識份子,現實迫使總督府必須對無方針主義進行調整,回應臺灣人對愚民政策的不滿,以此換取仕紳協助。臺灣教育制度法制化便在此脈絡下,因臺中中學校的設立出現制定的曙光。   本研究發現,戰前日本在天皇制下,內地與殖民地形成「中央集權-地方(臺灣總督府)」之關係。臺灣總督雖掌握行政、立法與司法等三權,但由於稟議制度與《臺灣總督府官制》中規定中央政府對總督府有監督權,臺灣總督在教育政策上並非決策主體,而是由中央政府機關掌握,展現「圓臺模式」之型態。此型態尤其突顯內閣法制局與樞密院之影響力,其運作機制是由上而下貫徹權力。但值得注意的是,此時的由上而下並不代表統治結構上最高決策者參與政策過程,發揮領導力。


This research aims to understand the education policy making mechanism in Taiwan under Japanese Rule through the policy making process of the first “Education Rescript(臺灣教育令)” in 1919 .The development procedures were analyzed from the perspective of public policy stage theory, including problem identification, policy planning and policy legalization, while the interactive relationship between the Japanese central government and the Governor-General Office of Taiwan was also observed. At the early stage of the rule, Japan adopted incrementalism and conformed to the needs from reality with the “non-principle policy”, which was featured with high flexibility and mobility. After Xinhai Revolution and the promotion of the “Aborigine controlling policy(理蕃政策)”, the social reality forced the Governor-General Office to adjust the “non-principle policy” although it was not willing to nurture intellectuals in the colony. This was a response to the Taiwanese’s discontent toward obscurantism and an exchange for help from the Taiwanese gentry. The dawn of the legalization of the education system in Taiwan occurred in such historical context after the establishment of Taichung High School seemed to be in the hope. It was discovered in this research that under the Emperor System of Japan(天皇制), prewar Japan and its colony had formed a relationship of “centralization - local (Governor-General Office).” Although the administrative, legislative and judicial powers were on the hand of the Governor-General Office of Taiwan, yet the “bottom-up decision making process(稟議制度)” and the “Official system of Taiwanese Governor-General Office(《臺灣總督府官制》)” stated that the central government has the right of supervision over the Governor-General Office, and the latter was thus not the decision-making body over educational policies but the central government, which showed a “truncated- pyramid system(圓臺模式)”. This model particularly highlighted the influential power of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau and the Privy Council. The operation mechanism was to perform power vertically. It should be noted that the vertical influence did not represent the participation and leadership in the policy-making process of the top decision-maker within the governance structure.


