  • 學位論文


Criticism on the Control-Oriented Education in Terms of Making Peace──Japanese Junior High Schools as Examples

指導教授 : 陳思賢


本碩士論文批判日本中學校代表之管理主義教育,同時討論為了創造和平,教育應有之樣態。和平的世界奠基於每位公民的態度與行動,而這與他們在青少年時期所受的教育息息相關。但在以管理主義為基準的教育環境中,無法培養和平的價值觀,從強制無道理的校規和上命下從可見之。因此,為了讓孩童與青少年在和平的環境下受教育,並為了他們所能創造之和平,必須釐清並改善管理主義扭曲的學校教育之問題。 本論文的主要特色有兩點。首先,除了歷來從教育學及心理學等觀點批判管理主義教育之外,本論文試圖加上從和平學探討的觀點。再者,透過筆者於中學校三年的便衣上學等實際經驗,展現對抗學校權力之可能與困難。基於統計、文獻及筆者的自身經驗之研究指出,在封閉環境下,嚴謹的管理主義教育導至停止學生思考,同時亦促進他們的暴力行為,助長形成排他意識。本論文除了主張撤廢管理主義教育之外,並指出若和平教育停留在僅認知到被投擲兩顆原子彈的可怕是不足夠的,我們應從發生在生活週遭的暴力開始認識,並延伸至遠方發生的暴力。最後本論文也分析其他國家之和平教育內容作為日本教育之參考。本文期以促使反思,何種係為了孩童與青少年作為人而存在之教育,在學校應有之樣態。


This master's thesis criticizes control-oriented education that represents typical education in Japanese junior high schools, and also discusses what education should be like in order to create a peaceful world. A peaceful world lies in the aggregated attitude and action of every citizen, which are significantly correlated with the education of adolescents. However, under the educational environment based on control-oriented education, which emphasizes on enforcement on unreasonable rules and hierarchies, it is impossible to nourish the value of peace among adolescents. Therefore, in order to allow children and adolescents to be educated under such peaceful environment, and for the sake of the peace that could be created by them in the future, it is necessary to clarify and resolve the distorted educational problem of control-oriented education. This master's thesis has two features. First, past researchers have criticized control-oriented education through pedagogy and psychology, while this thesis also try to provide a different perspective through peace studies. The second one is the author’s authentic experience, which includes confronting the school authority, such as through junior high school three years without wearing school uniform were given as an example. By the study based on statistics, documents and authors experience, shows control-oriented education under closed environment prevents students from independent thinking, promotes violent behavior, and encourages the formation of clannish consciousness. This thesis argues that the control-oriented education should be removed, and that the road to peace education in Japan should not stop at solely realizing the horror of atomic bombing history. Then, at last, this thesis mentions peace education learning the violence distant from people, e.g. war, dispute and starvation, throughout the violence people’s daily lives, and also shows peace education in other country as well. This thesis would lead people of civil society to reconsider the purpose of education as well as what education should be like for children and adolescents as human beings.


丸山眞男,1964,《増補版 現代政治の思想と行動》,東京:未來社。
