  • 學位論文


The Preliminary Study on Film Financing Mechanism and Contract Framework--A Case of Hollywood Model

指導教授 : 陳思寬
共同指導教授 : 江炯聰


本研究以好萊塢電影契約架構與融資機制為主要探討重點,期望這樣的探索性的研究,可以找出值得進一步深入探討的議題。並且以好萊塢的運作模式為標竿,對台灣電影產業提出一些建議。 在專案基礎的電影生產模式下,從影片最初的投入要素到各項專業人才,都是透過市場的交易而被臨時的湊在一起,各成員面對的基本上是一次性的交易而非重複性的,維繫彼此合作關係並協調整合這些資源的,並不是公司、組織內部的正式機制,而是各種型態的契約或協議。而不同的發行-融資模式下,製片與製片廠/發行商間會有不同的契約型態去規範彼此的合作。在需求方面,最重要的就是成敗難以預測的特性,這使得電影製作成為一種冒險的生意。各參與者在專案計畫的初期,面對非常高的不確定性,導致契約設計及融資的複雜度提高。也使電影,在初期製作階段會傾向仰賴過去的成功記錄做為決策的參考;在產品完成後,那些製片廠/發行商則會傾向投入鉅額的成本進行,去測試甚至影響消費者口味或偏好。 基於電影在生產上、產品本身及需求面的幾項特性:生產過程需要多元互補性技能的結合,專案團隊由動機、偏好各異且為數眾多的成員組合在一起,需求不確定的特性。使得電影從故事內容取得、發展劇本、籌組團隊、募資到發行,這些階段所牽涉到的交易及契約訂定變得更為複雜。而有些契約問題可以透過機制的設計而解決的,如:編劇酬勞與劇本品質確保的問題、對於剪接權利的劃分等。有些則難以透過契約文字的規範來解決,如:導演決策權的問題,或其他人才間的目標、創意觀點衝突等。則必須透過雙方的協商談判得出結果,例如導演究竟要擁有多少與創意元素相關事務的同意權,這個問題的解決就必然要透過談判與協商。因此,整個電影創造的過程中,需要的能力除了對法律條文、契約設計上的專業外,參與者談判能力的發揮(尤其是製片),更在專案的進行中扮演相當重要的角色。 哈佛教授Mihir A. Desai,將這些電影會面臨的主要風險,分為完工風險、績效風險及財務風險三類。而電影會面對較高的完工、績效及財務風險,使得他成為一項高風險的投資事業。而本研究歸納出在好萊塢常見的四種主要機制,有效的降低了投資風險且提供更多元的管道,讓更多資本願意投入到電影產業裡。這些主要機制包括:透過屢約保證公司有效處理完工風險、透過投資組合降低績效風險、利用無形資產作為抵押品及以電影專案本身為投資標的。 最後,筆者認為從好萊塢的運作模式,可發現在這個非重複性交易頻繁的產業,契約的談判與議約是生產過程中的重要活動。而因為以臨時性團隊為主要生產組織,製片扮演了開發專案、整合資源的核心角色。並且創造投資誘因,對於這個高風險投資事業的發展非常重要。而台灣若要發展一個商業體系健全的電影產業,最缺乏也是最需要培養的,就是製片人才與相關的專業法律人才。而至於吸引投資方面,若以好萊塢的運作模式為標竿,可發現台灣還缺乏如下的關鍵因素: 1. 整個資金市場中,無論是握有資金的一方或是需要資金的一方,都缺乏對這個產業的知識。 2. 沒有屢約保證公司,或是沒有國際性的屢約保證公司願意提供擔保,也是造成融資困難的另一個原因。 3. 缺乏資金的獨立製片,常用的預售合約融資,在台灣也難以實行。 4. 台灣目前沒有這種類似一片公司的機制,股權投資人要投資電影,只能投資擁有該片的公司。這樣的投資方式,不若日本和美國以委員會或成立有限合夥的方式吸引人。 5. 但在台灣目前拍片數過少的情況下,投資人很難透過投資組合去降低風險。


This research regards Hollywood film contract and financing mechanism as main discussion point. I expect this exploratory studying can find out the issue worth further discussing, and take Hollywood operation pattern as benchmark to make proposals to Taiwan movie industry. Based on the foundation mode of film production of the special project, from inputting key elements to gathering professionals, all the factors for producing movies temporarily crowd together by single market transaction. Additionally, neither the company nor the formal mechanism of interior organization maintains the cooperative relationship and integrates the resources; however, only various contracts and agreements are able to handle those. Because of the high uncertainty of movie demand, the film production becomes a very risky business. In the initial stage of the special project, every participant faces such high uncertainty that enhances the complexity of contract design and financing. There’re several characteristics of the production, product itself, and the demand: the production needs the combination of many complementary skills; the special project team consists of many members with different motivations and preferences; the movie demand is extremely uncertain. On account of these characteristics, the transactions and contracts of each movie production stage-from obtaining the story content, developing the play, assembling the project team, financing, to issuing the film- become more complicated. While some contract problems can be solved through mechanism design, others must be solved by the negotiation. Therefore, in the process of movie creation, we not only need the abilities of legislation and contract design, but well performance of our negotiator, especially the producer who plays a very important role in the special project. The Harvard Professor Mihir A. Desai divided the main risks these films faced into three different kinds: completion risk, performance risk, and financial risk. And these risks make movie industry become the business with high risks. This research sums up and lies in four main kinds of mechanisms in Hollywood to reduce the investment risk, to offer more plural channel and to attract more capital into this industry: completion bond, utilize intangible asset as pledge, project-based investment, reducing risks by investing portfolio. Finally, I think we can find the contract negotiation and agreement discussion are important activities in the production in the industry with frequently non-repeated trade through Holly’s operation way. And move is a business with high risks. So, the producer plays a significant role in this industry. Investment incentive is very important for the industry. As for Taiwan, movie industry lacks producers and investment incentive.


Film Film Financing Financing Contract Value chain Hollywood


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