  • 學位論文


A Research on Government Regulations over Promoting Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of Existing Privately-Owned Buildings

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


台灣公有既有建築物(警、政、消防、醫療、機關及校舍等等),正積極辦理建築物耐震評估及補強,以提升建築物之耐震能力。目前實施是依民國97年12月行政院修正公布之「建築物耐震能力評估及補強方案修正案」辦理,對象是未依民國86年6月公布之建築技術規則設計興建之建築物。原方案於民國89年6月公布實施,修正案大致上維持原方案架構及規定;惟原方案適用對象包含公有及私有建築物,修正案適用對象則僅限於公有建築物,以強化方案之推動成效,但也反映出目前推動私有建築物耐震評估及補強之困難-推動私有既有建築物之耐震能力提升,涉及人民之權利義務,對合法既有建築物之強制要求,應以法律定之;惟制定費時且阻力極大(耐震評估及補強之作業,必然增加建築物所有者之負擔及困擾)。目前政府結合民間力量先進行公有建築物耐震能力提升,以確保震災發生時公權力仍能發揮作用;對於私有建築物擬以宣導方式柔性推動,期望未來私有建築物耐震評估及補強制度之實施阻力降為最低。台灣位處環太平洋地震帶,菲律賓海板塊與歐亞大陸板塊在地底下從不停息地以巨大的能量擠壓、蓄積醞釀著;我們與時間不斷的競跑。惟強烈地震的來襲,並不會因公有或私有建築而有危害度之差別。不能心存僥倖的漠視,對於私有建築物之耐震能力提升必須加緊腳步有所作為。 本研究探討美、日及本國有關建築物耐震能力提昇之相關法令制度,並進行問卷訪查國內學者、專家、建管官員等,對於國內私有既有建築物耐震能力提升制度之看法。期望為私有既有建築物耐震評估及補強之推進,找出加速推動之可行制度,盡一份土木人之社會公益責任,以期提昇公共福祉。


Public buildings ─ police stations, administrative offices, fire stations, medical facilities, campus buildings, etc. ─ in Taiwan are being actively seismically enhanced through seismic evaluation and retrofitting. Current efforts are based on "Building Seismic Evaluation And Retrofitting Implementation Act, Revision December, 2008" revised and published by the Executive Yuan. While maintaining in general the structure and the regulations of the original act, published and put into effect in June, 2000, the revision confines its applicability to public buildings to reinforce the outcome. Such move also reflects present difficulties over the seismic enhancement of existing private buildings due to the lack of required governing laws and regulations, which take time and efforts to develop and face resistance from building owners due to enduced implementation cost and the hardship. Presently, the government engages civil resources and give priority to the seismic enhancement of public buildings with the aim to ensure the functioning of public authorities during seismic disasters. Seismic enhancement of private buildings shall be promoted with education and non mandatory approaches in order to achieve minimal resistance in future implementation. With Taiwan situated in the Circum-Pacific Seismic Belt and underneath it the Philippine Plate and the Eurasian Plate restlessly squeezing each other with enormous energy, building it up and brewing for future disasters, we are racing against time. Since earthquakes do not differentiate a building's public or private status, the seismic resistance of private buildings needs to be brought to par without any further delay. This research studies Unite States, Japanese, and Taiwanese government regulations on seismic resistance as well as conducts questionnaire surveys on the views of domestic scholars, experts, and building construction and administration officials on seismic enhancement. It hopes to help develop government regulations that accelerate the implementation of existing private buildings' seismic evaluation and the retrofitting.


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