  • 學位論文

垂直社群網站商業模式分析: 以運動筆記網站為例

Business Model Analysis of Vertical Online Community: A Case Study of SportsNote Running Web Site

指導教授 : 黃崇興


新創網路事業面臨的首要挑戰在於如何把網站的流量作大,而在投入大量資金、人力把網站的系統、內容、服務逐步建置上線,網友、會員也順利聚集之後,隨即面臨找不到對的商業模式的窘境。因此,大多數的網路公司在募集的資金用盡時,因為缺乏正確的商業模式,無法創造足夠的營收支持公司營運發展,以至於無以為繼,只得黯然退場。 2011年上線的運動筆記社群網站,正逢台灣跑步熱潮的興起,因為網站鎖定跑步族群,流量與規模隨之快速成長;然而,由於具備有社群媒體的屬性,運動筆記同時扮演了重要推手的角色,對於台灣跑步運動的蓬勃發展,明顯有推波助瀾的效果。運動筆記創立至今,相較於同時期成立,成長迅速且規模相近的其他社群網站同業,外部投入的資源相對稀少,但卻在成長的歷程中,因為有順勢發展出適合社群屬性的商業模式,而得以持續維繫網站的發展。網路事業瞬息萬變,今天的成就不代表明天必能生存,因此,運動筆記在既有的商業模式下,如何持續創新、突破,便是本論文亟於探討及研究的主題。 本文蒐集整理全球路跑運動的市場概況,並針對發展成熟區域如美國、日本,以及後起之秀的中國大陸等國家,研究與運動筆記性質相近、規模領先的垂直社群網站,以精確的研究方法與架構,進行系統化分析,期許在觀摩、研究這些友站的商業模式時,能取法他人的長處,發展出自己未來的創新商業模式,引領運動筆記持續壯大。


社群網站 商業模式 O2O 路跑 運動筆記


This paper examines the major challenges facing startup internet companies and how one new company has addressed the problems. The most-difficult challenge usually seems to be how to attract users to the company and then how to increase the number of views continuously. But, after investing and attracting talented people as part of the effort to build the publishing platform, the most critical issue usually encountered is how to develop a business model for the new company. Without a proper business model, most startup companies run out of capital and fail. If a company cannot generate revenues, obviously, it cannot afford the expenses of daily operations and future growth. SportsNote website was launched in Taiwan in 2011 focusing on recreational running, marathon racing and related activities. Running has become very popular in recent years, and SportsNote has led the way. The site is growing rapidly. As an online medium, SportsNote clearly has contributed to an increase in the population of runners in Taiwan. The site distributes a large amount of information that was previously unavailable. Fortunately, at an early stage, SportsNote developed a workable business model. In comparison with the other vertical communities launched at the same time, SportsNote’s business model served as a guide to development and helped to avoid wasting investors’ funds. This thesis also surveys market information from the global recreational running industry. Successful running communities in the United States, Japan, and China are investigated in this study. Understanding the successful business models of these leading overseas companies will help SportsNote improve its current business model, and help develop innovative business models for future growth.


Vertical Community Business Model O2O Running SportsNote


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3. 中国马拉松数据出炉:51场赛事 90万人次创历史,中国田径协会官網,http://www.athletics.org.cn,2015年
4. 《全台瘋路跑,商機上看170億》,聯合新聞網,2015年3月5日
