  • 學位論文


Environmental Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of High Cr and Ni Soils of Taiwan

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


臺灣於民國71年發生桃園大潭村高銀化工之鎘米污染事件後,環保單位即開始以網格方式進行全國農地普查工作。民國99年起,環保署應用空間統計方式補強網格調查之不足。迄今共調查出污染農地約900公頃,其中鎳、鉻污染面積為118公頃。 臺灣之農地土壤污染無論是受人為排放工業廢水污染或是因區域地質條件自然背景因素所致,其檢測分析數據均顯示部分區域土壤中含有高濃度鉻及鎳重金屬。同樣是重金屬高濃度土壤,因重金屬來源及存在型態不同,對環境影響及生物危害亦有所差異。 為瞭解臺灣高濃度鉻、鎳農地土壤分佈區域環境特性與人體健康風險,並提出有效之行政管理策略,本研究彙整鉻、鎳之基本性質及臺灣高濃度鉻、鎳土壤分佈區域等文獻資料,分別探討不同之土壤環境特性,並以臺灣西部地區受鉻、鎳污染之土壤及臺灣花東地區蛇紋岩母質土壤為對象,進行系統性的研究及進一步分析探討。 計算高重金屬濃度土壤之健康風險評估方面,以王水消化濃度作為高重金屬濃度土壤健康風險評估之計算參數,其風險值會有高估之現象,因兩者所代表之實質環境特性並不相同、對人體健康乃至於對植物或環境生態所造成潛在性的危害風險亦應有相當程度之差異性。 本研究於計算健康風險評估時,採用土壤重金屬生物可及性濃度作為計算參數,以生物可及性試驗結果評估不同類型土壤風險危害程度之差異,避免評估結果與實際影響過大落差,依人體健康風險評估結果提出可行之管理策略。




The environmental authorities of Taiwan began to investigate the soil quality of farmlands in the nation by using grid sampling design method after the event of rice contamination with cadmium in the Taoyuan County in 1982. To correct the inadequacy of the grid sampling design method, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration start to using a special statistical sampling design method in 2010. Nine hundred hectares of contaminated farmlands have been discovered. Among them, 118 hectares of farmlands are contaminated with nickel and chromium. Some contaminated farmlands in Taiwan show high contents of chromium and nickel no matter the lands were polluted by receiving industrial wastewater or the elevated concentrations were caused by the processes of the nature. Depending on the origins and types of heavy metals, soils contaminated with heavy metals have different harmful effects on the environment and ecosystem. To make adequate institutional control strategies, it is necessary to realize the environmental characteristics and the risk of human health in the areas where the soils are with elevated chromium and nickel concentration. This study collects the literatures related to the abovementioned areas in Taiwan, and then conducts systematic analysis. The factors considered when conducting risk assessment in this study include the soil digestion methods and bioavailability.


Cr Ni


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