  • 學位論文


Completion Conditions and Impact of the Usage Permit for Building Projects

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


我國的公共建設一直都是經濟發展的重要行政措施,而公共建設在發包的模式上,又以工程專業分包為主要的發包模式。然而所有的建設項目都有一個建設的期間,有預定工作完成時間的公共工程,因此完工的階段都會有發包介面與施工介面的問題,非常容易造成工期延遲罰款的爭議。 以傳統的完工認定是必須提交的建築物「使用執照」,因此在營造工程、機電工程與消防工程等工作項目之後,並取得相關機關核可的文件,方能取得「使用執照」的文件。所以採取「分項發包」模式的公共工程在完工階段,會因為「使用執照」的取得,而會發生互相影響的因子。 完工階段」的認定結合使用執照的申請作業項目,發展本研究的問卷調查項目,經由具有實際執行經驗的受訪者意見收集,得到以使用執照申請過程的完工安全檢查因子,來判斷完工的認定與施工分包商作業項目的影響程度。 利用實際執行過的案例為研究,研究政府單位對於竣工驗收的各種要求,以及在發包模式不同時,總包承攬商與分包承攬商對於完工階段的作業模式有何差異。探討採用「總包發包」時,完工階段的施工介面與傳統的「分項發包」有什麼施工介面的差異性。 綜合問卷調查與案例的分析,做出分項發包模式在完工階段,就是以營造工程的使用執照與機電工程的消防檢查通過,是最具有影響的二項作業項目。而完工的認定上,以往營造工程的完工為驗收的主要時程認定,考慮以營造與機電工程可以一起完工的時程,用來作為政府主辦單位審查完工階段認定的依據。 本研究最後建議後續對於完工認定的研究,可以配合政府使用執照申請作業項目為,在工期的排定做出綜合考量。調整營造與機電工程,在發生工期延遲責任時,各自在完工檢查項目上應佔有的影響比例。


Construction is the source of economic development. Public Construction Works are the basic national economic developing strategy. Construction will make time limit for acceptance and construction procurement contracts. There are “turnkey contract” and “sub contracting” model in traditional construction contract. How differences in construction finishing stage between “turnkey contract” and “sub contracting” model? What is the most important condition of government security review? The research is aimed at “the Construction Finishing stage” in the safe operation of government review, make the examination and approval document. Using the questionnaire survey, questions related to the execution of the works of experts or executives, to collect the responses to the questionnaire survey to statistics, and analysis in the completion of the stage work item is mainly influence factor of civil and mechanical engineering, used as a government unit review time scheduled and completed stage that consider. A government contractor project as an example, to explore the use of "turnkey contract", the completion of construction interface phase and the traditional "sub contracting" what difference. Whether the completion stage identified problems are solved in the case of the implementation situation, and put forward the conclusions and recommendations related research. The final recommendations of the follow-up study, which can consider Building Usage permit in Construction Finishing stage checks on job projects. Construction of manufacturers to calculate the proportion of the powers and responsibilities of the project completed with appropriate delay responsibility.


